Post feedback for my latest work, Linked, here. Feedback can include questions, comments, ideas, etc.
This story is off to a good start and I BET (not really) that the rest of the story will keep the same, awesome, quality Keep it up!
Sam8988, you are the type of person who isn't really FanFiction material. First of all, you got BANNED from the game, and luckily you got unbanned 3-4 months later. You are a tiny cocky sort of mouse that feels stuck up in egotistical self-righteousness. (Like it, eh?) You also have gotten farmed by the ENTIRE forum community HUNDREDS of times. You don't understand how hard it is for a writer to continue making awesome work. You don't ask more of them, you don't whine, beg (well... maybe), or annoy in any other way. If you must go on FanFiction, I suggest you lurk for a while, get the feel, only post comments (no threads yet) that are purely angelic in their attitude, and don't talk slack. If you annoy me or anyone else, meat my spies. Danke!
Amazing! Can't wait for more! Also, Sam8988, there is something called Cheesemuffin syndrome: It's where you're head is filled with so many ideas for the chapter that your writing, that you make your chapter so epicly awesome as it keeps expanding, Which results in Writer's Block. That's why Cheesemuffin writes small chapters.