I was just thinking that does Lv1 Volary give more plunder than Max Guild I know that it gives more stats but I think Guild give more bonous at the end of the eb . so, guyz whats ur opinion ?
Personally I have been told by big spies land complete GH is a better payout, Reach all lands then convert before upgrading to SOS or vola
guilds still give more end plunder, vols start making a little more than guilds once they reach level two.
I was having the same discussion a while ago in my clan. It's kinda interesting. Hmmm.... Guilds give u low stats but they also give u more plunder at the end as bonus when compared to sos or vol. But sos and vol gives u more better stats. I'm like a player who never buy nobs. So I have to grow the harder way. Players like me surely have to go thru this build to earn more gold. So it's probably like all guilds on lowlands 1 hatchery with rest tg's. But as someone said earlier in this thread that lv2 vol's also give more plunder. So is the plunder more than the guilds or equal? I'm just looking for more suggestions before converting. Thnx in advance
Personally I'd skip SOS and of you want to UG straight to Vols from guilds. Guilds will help you get the plunder you need to build the expensive T5 Vols build Guilds on your HL until you want to war or UG
I upgraded max guild to volary L1 the other day on an alt and the plunder received from attacking increased slightly, around 300k
if you replace a guild max lvl with a CF or CoE first and replace next guild with Volary and keep replacing always with att builds first it will start rising plunder and give even more than guilds max lvl did ... I could experience that and had reached quite a high plunder again AND better stats, too, until someone out of always same group of stalkers stopped my growth again ...
if you leave att builds at lvl one and concentrate on upgrading Volaries you easily can continue your way on becoming a huge spy build ... unless you got same unsurmountable probs like me ...
sorry! ... I meant hatchery or Colony not CF or CoE ... and sorry for spamming ... can't edit on iPhone ...
i was considering... (on my main ) to (when im actually rich) to put all spy building, the t6 on HF land, Vol on hl and Sos on lowland, i think this would be good plunder