Level 4 Guild or Level 2 SoS?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by BIueAliens, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Which is better? 
  2. Level 2 SOS gives you better stats, but worse plunder. The drop in plunder is worth it, though.
  3. Level 2 SoS gives the worst plunder, the drop isnt worth it.

    Youre better off saving for level 3 SoS.
  4. Kk thanks lol
  5. Stats are always worth it in my book :)
  6. Level 3 has better stats and without the drastic plunder drop.
  7. Stats = level ONE SoS is better than level four guild

    Plunder wise = guilds
  8. I get more plunder from my guild hansel by about 5m. But bonus on this account is nicer. All lvl 3 sos here. The guild hansel has 1 more land though.
  9. I'll be keeping guilds tgen
  10. Only get SOS if you can upgrade to lvl3 right away
  11. Level 4 guild. No competition.
  12. lv3 SoS beats lv4 guild. I you can't get lv3 SoS, go with the guild.
  13. A guild hansel earns way more than anyone one else hands down
  14. Guild to grow SoS to war