Let's Stop Shedding Tears for the LB.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Aug 27, 2014.

  1. As you all know, Harbinger of Wrath threw a big temper tantrum in the forums last week about S4 wars being Primal and Indie with no easy-to-manipulate Round wars. Unfortunately, thanks to all the LB-wannabe fan-boys out there, the devs gave into these LB crybabies.

    It was the wrong move, devs. You know as I do, the LB, God Bless them all, act in a way that is harmful to the game.

    You see, the parity in this game is so out of whack, it can hardly be said the LB are even playing the same game anymore.

    Red Star is not the Michael Jordan of Kaw. He is the Michael Jordan, Wilt Chamberlain, Kobe Bryant, and Lebron James of Kaw rolled into one and pumped full of about 2000 cc of horse steroids. There is something wrong in the game when he is DTS to all but a handful of people. There is also something wrong with the game where the top 5 players on the ally LB are all in the same clan, and they also all own 4-5 alts that also rank in the top 200. These “players” are not interested in having fun in EE, not interested in protecting the parity of the game, not even interested in war for that matter. All they are interested in is protecting their own LB rank status, and they don’t give two hoots if that means ruining the game for others.

    Devs, we know what will happen. The LB will throw out their SH exploit until they reach Rancor 50. Then they will all huddle into one clan to guarantee a NO-Match and thus preserve their Gold Edge without even warring. Let the fun times roll.

    Your original proposal was the correct one. There is nothing stopping Harb, Silph, or Redstar from doing Primal/Indie wars other that their snobbery and their fear of losing a match. They are lazy in my opinion. Most players who want to EE have to build countless Adt and Sdt giving up millions in plunder. However presently RedStar has none of these, relying instead on his obscene BFA to carry him through. He could war, but perhaps he is just too scared of his loss numbers edging into triple digits, or people discovering that he actually doesn’t know how to war at all. I challenge Redstar to throw away that BFA, build some towers, and war with the rest of us. Let’s see what the LB is really made of.
    Now I know LB players think they deserve special privileges because of the money they spend. However it is much better for the games health to have 5000 players spending $100-$200 dollars a month rather than 30 guys spending that much every day. You are a cancer to the game and you know it. Cure yourselves by doing the thing you know is right: get rid of Round wars, keep Indie and Primals. The LB can play, but lets do it on the Dev's terms, not the LB.

    Happy Kawing,

  2. I didn't read this whole thread because it's crap.

    In primal wars, the lb players paid significantly more the higher lb they were, and made less per hit because of their bfa (which they couldn't even use).

    Hlneo paid me 87m a hit, while a similar HFBC build would pay under 60m.

    So maybe before you make a thread, know some of the facts about why they were complaining.

  3. A player such as Angelolo to me paid 67-70m, while I paid under 40m.

    How is this fair?
  4. Troll they have indi wars they can participate in. Primal wars are stupid imo also. But indi wars give everyone their chance.
  5. i gotta feeling anybody dumb enough to actually support this thread will be writing an aopology thread of their own in a few days…
  6. Indy wars?

    Why the **** would anyone participate in those who has any talent at all? I won't disgrace myself enough to opt with a bunch of rejects without proper war builds. Who will likely not know how to war, be active, or have xtals/mith.
  7. Doesn't ZAFT have a no forums posting rule and you are in a ZAFT clan. Complaining about ZAFT 
  8. Support. Don't war much but do see the problems in devs listening to LB complaints
  9. You didn't read the whole thread because you are lazy and have no interest in any opinion other than your own. LB have HFBC builds so they should pay more. You expect them to pay less? Considering how difficult is usually is to get a hit on Hlneo, I hope he does pay out when you get a hit in. Also, none of that changes the fact that the LB can do indie wars with thier BFA or the fact they have a history of manipulating Round Wars.
  10. Most eho do have xsalts, mith and towers. Maybe if you did some you would realize. I did 3 indi wars the yesterday and today. No problem with activity or mith. You will get your average noob build but most are trying to correct themselves. Sorry that indi wars give those maybe thinking about warring a try. While you and your clan use the same players and same tactics to get your way.
  11. I wish devs would listen to us smalls 
  12. Philosopher have you ever done a primal war with tanks?

    That was rhetorical you obviously haven't.

    It is extremely easy to et hits on lb players in them when skimming. Last night I hit hlneo 6 times.

    I am only 4 buildings off HFBC, there should not be a 200% discrepancy in payout.

    If you actually knew anything you could make a solid argument.
  13. It's not the smalls we want them to listen to, it's your average kawer. Small, mid or big.

  14. Lol I've also been a Zaft clan farm before. God bless Zaft, but the fact remains having the clans stacked as badly as it is now cannot be a blessing to a game that requires a certain amount of PvP.
  15. You know what I meant lol. And I think everyone is pretty small compared the the top 10 and their BFA
  16. @Conan I think. Somebody talking about Phil's clan
    I don't think Phil cares about clans, his account, or even rules. He speaks his mind, makes what he wants, and then we talk about. Truly kaws reporter.
    Back on topic, I agree with you Phil. We finally made some headway on fair (50/50 chance to win) wars, and then a couple huge tanks and sh cry and they get a little leeway on war schedules.
  17. Lb earn there right of being that strong the paid to get there so why can they use there full strength like everyone else it makes game fair for all players cuz basically ur just trying to screw the lbs over op
  18. @ Troll

    Yes I have done my fair share of primals. If Hlneo and Harb are so worried about the payout like you are, then they should ask for an adjustment. However, that is not what Harb wanted . He wanted Round Wars. Fixing percieved payout problems does not necessitate the revival of a system that the devs have said time and again is broken.