let's play a game...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *DrgnSlayer (02), Oct 30, 2011.

  1. :evil: today we will play BLOODY MARY

    :evil: How to play:

    1. Go into a bathroom(or any place with a mirror)
    2. Lock your self in
    3. Turn off lights
    4. Say bloody Mary 3x
    5. Wait 15 seconds
    6. Turn on lights
    7. Wait for a figure in the mirror

    Have a nice life :evil:

    -does evil laugh-
  2. Let's not and say we did
  3. I know it's you, alpha.
  4. Say alpha kenny body as one word and eyes pank mys elf
  5. I remember when I was 5 
  6. Yay this lady in the mirror gave me cake! :3 yum!
  7. Why the heck did you bump this?
  8. Someones been watching paranormal activity.
  9. Say candy man instead
  10. Say "666" 6 times instead, >:]