Let's imagine something

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FrostyAusti, Sep 28, 2015.

  1. Imagine if kaw didn't exist. What would we be doing right now?
    Leave your comments down below...
  2. Stop making terrible threads ;).. But we'd all be on pimd. Lmao
  3. hyperventilating
  4. Wow milky. Terrible threads you hurt my kaweelings there
  5. Ooooooooops.
  6. Get lost child. You are no longer welcomed here lmao
  7. Now my kawfeelings are hurt. Ouch.
  8. Lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ shhush now. We need others to say what they would be doing
  9. Stop derailing your own thread op
  10. Milky noob get out lol
  11. Derailing your thread even more? ;)
  12. Playing ClashOfClans is what I'd be doing.
  13. Future Combat would've been ATA's main focus then, so we'd all be on that, and Pimd would still be the place where we sent everyone who wanted to do RP.
  14. Id get a job being a master baiter down by the docks just trolling along. Of course id have to be an apprentice baiter first