Let us Pray

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wordwaster, Feb 3, 2015.

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  1. let's all take a moment to say a short prayer for all the victims of the civil war in syria. please ask god to help them through this difficult time.
  2. Lol I see what you are doing mate. Much respect.
  3. His palm is getting so hairy hahaha
  4. Props to you mate but willing to bet those people are gonna be offended other people would call on their own god... inb5tulak
  5. Mango this thread contains religion lock it.
  7. Atheist threads are locked so damn fast...
  8. This isn't a debate thread. Please post on topic or leave
  9. Oh yes bless them pls pls pls bless them
  10. Can you unlock my thread then? It was on topic.
  11. Christian god and islamic god are the same one
  12. Sadly not really they describe their gods as historicly doing different things at the same time and contradicting the others beliefs. If they were the same god they would be he same religion
  13. it's okay to pray to vishnu, too. as long as you pray for them. that's the important part.
  14. Your thread was offending christians…
  15. You need to grow some skin and face the harsh facts of reality.
  16. bless them pls spongebob save their souls!!!!!
  17. threads like this offend me. "praying" doesn't do **** to help those people. it doesn't rebuild their homes, it doesn't stop people from killing them or their children. it does NOTHING. there is nothing more offensive to me than someone saying "they are in our prayers". all that means is that you aren't willing to spend the time or money required to ACTUALLY help someone.

    threads that start out with this kind of garbage don't get locked. (this one may get locked for other reasons) the mods don't care if they are offensive to people like us. they only care if someone pisses on THEIR beliefs.
  18. Dear Apheriun, please give the Syriuns lots of golds so they no fight
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