Let KaWers Approve Mods

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by ok-no, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. Hello, ok-no here, I have never posted on the Forums till now, but I hope you all give me a warm welcome. As I hope to become the newest addition to the Forum Family! Letting my ideas flourish the Gaming Nation as fast as they come to my mind.

    The Idea!
    My Idea is to let KaWers approve of Mods before they get their "Modding Powers" (Silence, Delete Banner, Forum Rights, etc...)

    For Example The Devs will ask the Mod Candidates certain questions, that would be important to us. Such as,

    Will you respond to players if they are only saying hi on your wall? (How many people does this bother when they refuse to reply) (As if their replies are actually worth something)
    What is your favorite animal, color, food?
    Will you abide to all the rules in KaW while enforcing them?
    Will you do your best to help people even when the work becomes overwhelming?
    ETC. ETC. ETC.

    Devs, we need you!
    The questions/ answers will be posted in the News Section by the Devs, where KaWers can say," Yes I like this dude", or no.. and state the reason why they do not like them. The mods will then tally up the votes, and if there are more No's then Yes's. The Mod Candidate is disqualified for a certain amount of time. They will of course get more chances.

    Thank you! Can not wait to see the replies on this idea! :D
  2. Reserved

    Also Moose please do not spam my First post as you do to so many others. One post and your done. Thanks hun!
  3. I certainly hope you are never a mod. You can't say only one posy. Just for that if he comes in and you say leave I'll bring him up in the convo allowing him to return
  4. Hi Wintern0va2, for that warm welcome! You are being asked to leave, thank you!
  5. Please don't make this into a fight about moose… Please don't make this into a fight about moose…
  6. I love the idea, it could really help to improve our relations with the higher classes!
  7. Also welcome to the Forums, hope you love it as much as I!
  8. Thank you Diego, i too agree, that is the whole point of this Idea, i'm glad you see it my way! I hope that many others come and see it the same way as us!
  9. OMG, you made a post, welcome to the Forum World.

    Overall I love the idea, it's a little scratchy here and there, but it's a work in progress, that will soon perhaps be accepted by the KaW Society. Devs, Mods, and Players alike.
  10. Winternova is in topic and not flaming. She does not have to leave
  11. also, you cannot limit people to one post on your thread 
  12. I'm a guy
  13. now, on to the topic. This idea is simply terrible. It would turn modding into a popularity contest. Kingdoms at war moderators are selected by meeting specific criteria and standards.

    Our favorite animal (mine is a moose) is actually not relevant in moderator selection, and if we say hi or not on player walls really shouldn't dictate who gets to help run a multi million dollar app.

    I am sorry, but I do not support this.
  14. No. As Moose said, it becomes a popularity contest. Additionally, some of the people who wouldn't get the votes would make the best mods.

    As is, I believe the mods are involved of the process of approving new ones, and I trust most of them enough to pick people who would make good mods. Granted, I'm not certain the devs listen to what they say :lol:
  15. Yea I would win the popularity contest hands down. So I support this;) no I'm joking honestly the devs run the game the way they want to... So therefor they can choose the mods.
  16. Not only would it be a popularity contest, but say you got your way and some person comes up for vote that you dont like, so you say so in forum, then you get outvoted and that person becomes mod, now this mod voted in knows what you said about her/him in your vote and starts silencing you in wc every time you show up, but you can't complain cause the devs didn't pick the mod the people did, and before you know it you're perm silenced and game over. Just a bad idea all around, sorry.
  17. Moose, I do maintain the right to kick people out of my own Forum. That power will be flexed if i find it necessary.
  18. Eh...not absolutely. Sorry, lol :lol:
  19. 0-0 I simply must disagree with everybody as I still approve the idea, I would imagine people are better than too turn it into a popularity contest. Giving power to KaWers would be an amazing experience for everyone, that includes the Devs. And the voting could be anonymous, it could be like the feedback button.

    You can not completely reject an idea until all outlets have been exhausted.

    Love ya ok-no, but you may have to come up with a new idea, in order to get the feedback you want. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

    But for now I recommend you delete this forum post. :oops: :cry: :oops:
  20. You have far greater faith in KaWers than I do, lol.