Like, why can android users see kingdoms of players when scouting, but not iPhone users? Das stoopid. Why is ATA so evil against us? They work on events and other things but not what the players want Kthxbai I won't do that iphone with the hat because it is just stupid and rtarded
Re: LET iOS USERS SEE VILLAGES!!!! We have more important things to be talking about, like emojis, and how the loading screen girl isnt showing enough skin.
Re: LET iOS USERS SEE VILLAGES!!!! Tbh u need to read because why would they want an iPhone if the op is complaining about iOS problems
Re: LET iOS USERS SEE VILLAGES!!!! Like, yer a dork, and like, go back to your coffin, like yea, like that's all I wanted to like, tell you.
Re: LET iOS USERS SEE VILLAGES!!!! lol because OP dsnt have an iPhone .....(he's poor ) iPhone
Re: LET iOS USERS SEE VILLAGES!!!! Read title. And OP. And MOSTLY the last line. Btw I do like android. Its like a mini computer and is more open.
Re: LET iOS SEE VILLAGES!! iOS needs pretty pictures when scouting, droids need a blocked list. Neither will be implemented *cries*
Re: LET iOS SEE VILLAGES!! That's because IOS devices clearly can't run such a sophisticated program to be able to see another's build.