Lessons from EE Season 1 and Suggestions for Season 2

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Dalichae, May 31, 2013.

  1. As a fairly new member of the KAW community, I entered war this season with next to no knowledge of how to war. I started with Aztec, which is a great clan, and started the season strong. However, as other clans grew and developed new builds, strategies and plans, Aztec remained primarily an EB clan, and began to struggle with war, and ultimately chose to cease warring and work on growing towers and prepare for the next season.

    I merced with a few clans after that, but mostly unsuccessfully- while the clan leaders had a fairly strong grasp of teams, tracking and xtal use, the fundamental problem most had started hours before war began- too many EB builds that just weren't cut out for wars. I found myself on the losing side of dominant war clans like Rising Hawks, PA, PoC, DS and GHC over and over again- Not because of "moles" or BFA or uneven numbers, but because simply, we brought the wrong builds to war.

    Even in RPA, a clan I adminned and tracked for, with numerous members whom I developed strong friendships with, we still made the same mistake again and again- taking the wrong builds into battle, allowing alts in war and suffering inactivity from some of our permanent members.

    So the major lesson I learned was quite clear: War planning starts hours before war, from the moment you start to build your war roster, even before you even allow people to join your clan (thus making a promise to those members that they will be given ample opportunities to join your wars).

    Dominant war clans figured this out through active participation in OSW, last year's ee's and the pre-season beta testing. They built strong teams with experienced warriors who don't just war for eq or rewards, but simply because they love to war, win or lose. They have earned their prestige, their maxed-out eq and the satisfaction of knowing that every other clan out there groans in dread every time they're matched up with these elites.

    Now we are in between seasons, and there are a lot of people out there that want to be successful in war, but don't have a home for war. I have some suggestions for you:

    1: B. Build Towers. Build Most experienced war clans require 1.5 mil MINIMUM static spy defense for attack/hybrid builds and 1 mil spy defense for hansel builds. Even the best clans are starting to require static spy defense for guild hansels. If you do not meet these requirements then you will continue to have a difficult time finding a home with a good war clan.

    2: Do NOT attempt to war if you cannot afford to spend 2 xtals, be 100 percent active for 3 hours (2 hours of war and 1 hour preceeding war). Do not attempt to war if you have not yet unlocked all 4 basic mith spells unless you are warring with a truly tiny clan (that is unlikely to get a match-up by the way).

    3: If you are running a war clan, make sure you have a war commander and at least one experienced tracker for every war hours before you sign up. And make sure you continue to recruit trackers and WC's throughout the season- the best of these get burnt out if you expect them to run every war.

    4: If you are running a war clan, start early building your -own- war roster. make sure you have a good mix of attack builds, hansels and hybrids. Talk to other war clan owners and experienced warriors about what has worked for them in the past. And be firm- don't let your best friend war if he or she doesn't have the basic stats that you require of everyone else, no matter how much they beg.

    5: Be early for war, be active, and learn. Every clan needs trackers throughout the season so the best way to earn a seat in the clan you want to war with, beyond getting your build up to par, is to be able to track for them. Find someone to teach you and learn.

    6: And maybe most important- War for fun, for excitement and danger. Do NOT war just for the rewards that may or may not come. You will most certainly find yourself disappointed if you do.

    Finally, there are a number of people out there building new clans and need good people for season 2. I would like to give a shout out to some experienced warriors who are trying to take in would-be warriors and turn them into elites:

    The Manga Series- Contact GraceSunny
    Echelons Finest- Contact Killazz077

    I am sure there are numerous others out there looking for people. Maybe we can consolidate those clans by replying here...

    Best of Luck to Everyone in Season 2!
  2. RPA will be missed.
  3. Great thread. Enjoyed the read and information
  4. Good post. Very true.
  5. Devs suck and dnt war next season
  6. This was a solidly written thread
  7. Nice to see someone talking some sense about ee instead of just whining about a bad match system or how one type of build is an exploit. I'm so tired of seeing the eb warriors with no towers complaining about bad matchups. EE equipment takes a lot of work. Those that earned it didn't lose 2-3 wars and then cry to the devs that ee isn't fair. Winning at ee requires you to sacrifice eb plunder to build towers. There is no exploit build. Each build has strengths and weaknesses. Want to win at EE? Take your lumps. Learn to war well. Help build your clan. And eventually you'll get there. You can be certain that any successful group has paid their dues in many losses. I know I've taken MANY beatings to earn my 50 rancor.
  8. Props to Dali on a great thread! Miss seeing you around!
  9. Pic ^ well said... couldnt agree more.
  10. Well written thread.
  11. WAKE is recruiting for season 2 rancor wars if any1 is interested
  12. Say what?!?! I'm recruiting?!?! ^^
  13. Wow, awesome thread. Good job
  14. Good read, hopefully we can get our stuff together for season 2. Congrats to all the top clans in season one.
  15. Well done Dali!
  16. Good reading and advice for clans to follow
  17. Great post sunny!! well said and well laid
  18. Great Job Dali !!! :)