LEGNDARY = mediocre Mod

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ___PAC_Man___, May 28, 2014.

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  1. Locks a entertaining post that was well thought out WTF ? my ninja , bad mod is BAD PRESS 1 If you agree , FULL XTAL PINNED LEGGOGOTOGOTOTOT YAFI AIN'T GOT **** ON ME!!!
  2. TL;DR I agree with OP
  3. This dude hardcore ya'll
  5. lmaoooo this guy is too funny ☆ kudos for going badass
  6. Pinned mod time to quit your job son , PARTY HAS JUST STARTED PIG SCUM MODS

    O btw am silenced
  8. And you wonder why you were silenced...
  9. This is an entertaining post... Of your fail.
  10. Gonna go stick a dildo up my assshole now k bai every1
  11. OP,

    Pull your head out of your ass and go back to kindergarten so you can learn how to spell basic words and grammar.

    ~That is all~
  12. Warry,  that reminds me of something from pitch perfect.

    Op, pull your head out of your ass, it's not a hat 
  13. Well thought out for an incompetent maybe. It was nothing but rage and nonsense, just like this one. Secondly he hasn't hit my newsfeed once. So he's full of hot air too. Entertaining to you maybe but unlikely to the majority. Stop making crappy spammy noob rage threads. /lock
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