Legends Of Legacy

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by VeIde, Nov 3, 2016.

  1. What ever your life's work is do it WELL. Do it so well that the living, The Dead, & The unborn could do it no better - MLK JR Legacy Speech

    This is a new clan that i have had an idea about starting for awhile. Legends of Legacy is a home for anyone and everyone. We also support trollers as many do not. Its a place to relax, Chill and have fun. We do support PVP and those rules will be followed. My Goal for this clan is to prosper whether its in war or EB's and eventually become a LB clan i wanna reach the top with the help of my clan mates

    I am also looking for loyal admins to help me with my goal and that share the same goal if you think you fit this then follow me and we will talk

    I want this to be a place where you can chill and have no worries . CC is lit and fun and everyone interacting so if this intrests you follow me or join

    Pledge: We are Legacy ... I pledge a commitment to our success. I will noy be a product or statistic of my environment. I will promote positivity through my actions and strive to uplift my fellow brothers
    Lz up!!!
    So come on down ladies and Gents amd join Legends Of Legacy a new clan 
    Established Nov 3 2016
  2. What sort of troll? This one?

  3. That looks like a LotR troll!! But watch it be a friggin Harry Potter!
  4. Also GL with clan... but wait...
    It's the old man of the forest oh no, omg, everyone run away it's gonna eat your horse!
  5. Re vamp
  6. lol velde..didn't you quit like last week, you clown? I can't find your 'retiring' thread anymore :(

    You 'unretired' your self sooner than I even suspectedat least we will see more of your amusing wc rants now