Leaks and only in money interested Developers

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIlRlIlAlIlVlIlElIlNlIl, Oct 27, 2014.

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  1. It's a kind of funny how I got banned from indi wars:
    I took actions in wars, was all time around, and Mith up (not much). Some guys (Mr Kickass and Wolverine blamed me in cc and asked to report me to devs. Result, I got the shredders swords one hour later.
    I am still waiting for a response from a request I sent the developers some days ago: getting koed with 100 % troops and 40 % spies (sent a ss to devs which showed my troops/spies and in cc the message I got koed).
    BTW... I wasn't sleeping even my banner says so:I took actions and I left the clan by myself... I just wasn't writing in cc.
    Thanks devs to take care so much about your money and not about the game / leaks.
  2. Ouch.

    Sorry to hear that.
    I hope the developers will take off the Shattered Sword Spell on you. Then you can war again
  3. Teja can you please use this useless forum thread to post SS of how you were recently stripped farmed? Or let me guess the devs messed up your news feed and you couldn't get SS? Please we are all anxiously awaiting this SS. 

    Also, congrats on your drastic build change. Did it cost you much?
  4. This is II_TEJA_II?  if so wie ghets ihr ? 
  5. Lol Miller... I doubt your IQ is deeper than the outside temperature in the Antarctica... Hiding behind a Bully Family and telling wannabe stories.
    Even you are 500, you aren't able to strip farm a noob like me, but go on spreading stories you want to believe in.
    But this treat is not done because of nobish Apocalypse family, so open your own treat to spend lies.
    As fact this treat is done because about what care devs in real... Not taking care and answering about proofed leaks but listening to wrong insults.
  6. you dont get a sword unless inactive - and from friends also in that war - you were inactive

    some might say you were using the wars as a break from all your inc...
  7. Being inactive I wouldn't have done actions and followed the cc ;)

    I was not active in cc, but still I was active and watched what your friends were writing. But thats typical Apocalypse ... believing what their clan mates are saying (even Millerlife22 lied to you).
  8. Garfield you may contact them via their email. Please stop torturing forums with your gibberish. Nice build change 
  9. thank you for the compliments, I think? Except for where you called all of Apocalypse noobs, that probably wasn't what a person with the highest IQ would do, but then again it could just be common sense that's lacking.

    What I am wondering now is when your going to be able to get that sleep in over the next 3 days since your banned from EE wars?
  10. Lol Miller :D :D :D

    yes, I call you noobs ... and I wasn't using indi wars to sleep ;) I slept enough every day, still you are to dumb to strip farm.

    I wrote emails to devs ... even providing screen shots and didn't get any response besides their standard text. This is 2 days ago, the war I got banned for was today, so they took care about the wrong insults of others (but not about their leaks).

    Have to work now, enjoy your strip farming (still don't know which allie you stripped successfully (because you didn't and failed all time).
  11. Since Apocalypse is using the treat to trash talk about the OSW I am asking any Mod to close it.

  12. Trust is earned. Teja, people want to trust you, but acting with out council, going behind others back. Saying you are "sleeping, good luck in war" in an indy war. You lose what trust you had.

    I monitored your actions, saw you go to that indy war, then the banner change and broken sword.

    You was banned for no actions in an indy war, rather you was a mole for the other team or not, it was a long written rule.

    Deal with your indy war ban and rethink your actions.

    You can't keep burning bridges and breaking rules and trust and expecting things to follow your favor. Money will not buy you everything. Also, though I have witnessed how far you are willing to go to help your mates, it falls short when you turn around, lose your damn mind, and pull off some dumb ****.

    Your ban was justified, and though I am not one to agree with or support the devs, I find them correct with this move.
  13. Try to talk in cc before war
  14. Funny:
    1.) my banner was set up a while before estoc war
    2.) I did actions
    3.) Knowing Apocalypse is in the clan I tricked them ;)
    4.) Devs should have seen I took actions ;)
    5.) just not replacing dev pots because of the OSW (not to waste gold) ;)
    6.) and most funny ... Apocalypse players insulted me for not taking actions, and I got banned ... in 1 hour ... the answer I sent to devs is more than 2 days ago, and no answer ... everyone can think about this how he likes, just looks like some ppl have better connections than others.
  15. humm, While in Foxes, I got to know Apoc, they do are not ones to degrade the names or reputation of others without reason. With your actions in NA as well as my random checks on you, I declare your story false with current evidence that is present.
  16. THere is another reason I went to NA ... when I did so, I was fighting against two of Apocalypse at this time, the rest of Apocalypse started when I was there.

    Point is (if you can read German) what Lady Ash wrote on my wall (I trapped in their trap).

    Just to the story:
    I got attacked by millerlife24 (my alt)
    I attacked him twice and Trinnie 5 times
    They started farming, I replayed farming
    They started strip farming, I replayed strip farming
    I went to NA, then all Apocalypse went on me (because Millerbaby was crying even he started)

    ==> now I am supporting BH (in which way, you might see one day) ;) Any other story isn't true.

  17. Here for you Garfield , my 1st comment in forum since I play kaw
    1/ your banner was saying: end of season , now I go to sleep (not remembering the exact banner)
    2/ 1mn before the start of war you hadnt cast spell (and not follow me back to check activity)
    3/ when war started you said in cc: I'll do 1 action and will go to bed
    4/ you said : done,1 scout ,gn
    5/ have been atk many times
    6/ I think you xtal at the end of war
    7/ I'll not comment on that but opponent friend told me he was aware of the situation.how?
    8/ my comments were made and cc and not reported to devs..

    So please assume your doing before crying in a thread that has no sense and no value whatsoever..
    I can't believe you actually have the balls to write it

    P.S: 1st and last thread..
  18. 1.) Still the same banner
    2.) I casted one spell
    3.) like I wrote before ... I was in war and did more than one action (only one success)
    4.) If sleeping, I couildn't have left the clan before it was disbanded and also couldn't tell that Wolferine was asking to email support about me (several times spamming cc)
    5.) ?
    6.) No, I didn't xtal ... not wasting any more real money on the game (until the glitch I opened the treat about) is solved
    7.) As I said, wolferine was asking so
    8.) No reason to follow you (and others who wanted to follow me).

    Best regards ;)
  19. funny thread teja. u really think anyone is believing ur story/stories?
  20. Lol at bully clans, op getting farmed and calls them bully clans :lol:
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