league of legends

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *ScoutPots (01), Apr 11, 2013.

  1. So how about that? Im bronze 4 lolll ashe 6 boots on ranked.
  2. I still don't know what you are saying. :cry:
  3. English?
  4. It's a pc game.
  5. Its awesome lol
  6. I prefer 6 dorans but personal opinion.
  7. Third party advertising?
  8. Legit though. 6 boots on ranked.
  9. I'm silver V 
  10. Na doubt it, just discussing what they have on the game.
  11. The elo hell troll stories are true. Im the troll.
  12. LoL is gay!
  13. No taric is gay
  14. I'm gold 3 >:3

    I Quinn with a hybrid build of CC and armor melt o_O

    I give people arrows to the knee =D
  15. Tank quinn. Lol
  16. I play yi this game ad, ap, ks, jungler, offtank, and carry all in one game.
  17. OP, my guess is you're young, or retarded... Or both. Probably both.
  18. I rotate between 1800 and 2100. Im my rank teams current ADC but theyre contemplating on making me jungle or mid. If it wasnt for me and my supports insane synergy id be jungling.