LCT3 in 14 days GUIDE

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *New_Epoch (01), Feb 25, 2011.

  1. LCT3 in 14 days GUIDE

    (1) Beginning - creating account 1 day

    - you went through tutorial and you got to know what KaW is about
    - you now have 1 guild level 1 (g1), 1 army building (t1). Buy lands and build army buildings with the rest of your money
    - do some attacks, next land next army (continue till someone see you and start hiring you and start volley = rehiring you, each time someone buys you, you get small part of your hire value)
    - rule: do not farm = attack more than 5 times in 1 day (24 hours!) 1 kingdom
    - if u have at least 1.2K attack / 1k defence and u werent volleyed up to a hire value of a couple of millions, write on the wall of some active high value kingdoms to be volleyed up to 250M.
    - from money buy up to 9 lands and next t1 buildings
    - when u have about 10M buy 10th land and buy forge level3 on it
    - you will be volleyed soon at least to 250M hire value...

    (2) Early game 3 days
    ... you were just volleyed to 250M...
    - good time to join clan (you can find offers on world-chat channel, may be you are lucky and have offer on your wall - use that opportunity) - playing in clan has only advantages, and of course, you are free and if u dislike the clan, you can leave at any time and join a better clan
    - you took about 40M from being volleyed - its your curent cash
    - now u need to use your money in the correct way - dont upgrade your kingdom with all your money yet (just buy 2 forges lvl 3 = t2lvl3) - you can prefer other buildings for 1.75M (it's also a t2 building,i prefer forges)
    - keep at least 10-20M in cash for volleying (what happened to you, you will do to others). Try to find good targets: ALLIES -> HIRE MORE ALLIES: active, hire value < 250K, stats attack/defence 1.2K/1K or higher. If u are in a clan you can try to find a volley partner in clan chat, and let them keep (last who hire) the volleyed kingdom(then you get to keep the money you made from volleying). If u dont find, try to volley with anyone who quickly rehires your ally and volley with him up to 18M - its a good value, to make good profit (if u continue, you risk you keep him and you will be short of money, for now, it is most important to do as many volleys as possible to help you quickly grow your cash). When u have at least 40M from volleying try to keep your allies for part of your cash. If u leave your cash u have to w8, or do very boring quests, or risk attacks (payback by whomever you attack).
    - good time to buy your first "pots" (potions from marketplace). You need at least defense ones - prefer to buy 5 from each up to 1/3 of your curent 1 attack income. Attack pots also improve your chance to win, same as spy attacks pots.
    (a) playing in clan
    - dont forget to write on cc (clan channel) if u need some help - volley partner, buy "bad" ally, etc.
    - you need to be able to attack small OSF (open secret farm). Ask in clan for osf rules. You can also read the forum for more information about osfs.
    - so you need to keep volleying until your cash grows up to 80M - buy next 6x t2lvl3 (forges level 3 by up to 7) and now u will be able to attack small osf (LCG4 = land complete - 24, guilds level 4)
    - if you do it and can attack osf, you find real treasure--big money, no risk.
    - start keeping allies for better plunder bonus

    (b) playig solo
    - playing solo (stay free) have only disadvatages (except adverse chief). It means, you are slow growing, keeping allies when u need cash
    - try hit inactives of your size (similar value), but all time you are risking retaliation...
    - only result of being solo is losing prosperity.

    - start keeping allies, for better ally plunder bonus(the more allies you have, the more money you get from each hit)...
    *** plunder bonus in KaW represents your income from each attack
    - attack value is important for succes, but for income, plunder bonus is important. Each army building (t1-4) gives you your own attack plunder bonus, just as spy builings improve your own spy income from steals. And additionaly each building gives you ALLY plunder bonus, which is limited by a cap. It means how many allies you can own, to have growing bonus from them. You can find out the specifics in the forum, for more information. For simplifications you can calculate each forge is about (40M hire value of ally), same as 1g3.
    At any time you can test it - if your ally bonus is still growing with each attack(view stats on the attack results page for both your own and ally plunder), you are under ally plunder cap limit.

    .... continue till u have 16 lands, 14xt2lvl3 (i prefer 14xforges level 3) and guild level 3, and about 600M (0.6b) in allies

    MID GAME 10 days
    ...your stats are about 200K (attack + defence + spy attack + spy defence)...
    (a)playing solo
    -becomes extremly difficult. You are not protected by clan from attacks and farming, hard to find volley partner, game should be boring. Its best time to finally find and join clan, but if u want play solo:
    - make your own ally market (buy as many allies as possible). It makes you profit from each rehire. Also you can find volley partner if somone starts to rehire fast
    - try to find inactives kingdoms (still limited of 5 hits per day)
    - you can join hit n run pwar. (join clan make full load on their osf, and then leave or be kicked). You pay 20% tax but attacking big osfs still gives you 2 times more profit than attacking inactives.

    (b) playing in clan
    - hopefully a good clan - osfs are often open each day
    - you can start to choose your tactis. If u want to be offensive, defensive, spy, hansel, osf etc. for more information read in the forum.
    - join pwars often when osfs are still open.

    you are prospering - buy 4 lands and build t3lvl3 or g4 on them, also upgrade all forges to level 3 (t2lvl3) to t3lvl3 or g4. Some prefer to buy LC (25 lands - land compete) before upgrading to t3.
    attack - pwars, osfs in clan, inactives
    spy - if u have more than 3g4 u can start to steal from inactives with low spy defense(or very often available in pwar)
    while army and spies are regenerating - volley
    - if u have allies close to cap limit, still check to make sure you aren't under cap - you are "losing" income from every hit if you don't have maximum ally plunder bonus
    - after several days you will have money to buy next 5 lands and last t3lvl3 or g4.


    (4) Late game
    (to LCBC - land complete build complete)

    ...will be added...

    This is only an outline of how to play, you can search forum for more information.
    Also there are some tricks (tax, land, best numbers to find allies). If u join a good clan u get to know them.

    for more information search forum

    Created by NewEpoch
    (special thanks to triquattra&FulanaDtal)

    @ clan WEAKLINGS
  2. I BC'ed T3 in 7 days :p
  3. Good guide maybe not quite the order I would put it in but well done 
  4. Lol my first day, i was volleyed to 10bill

  5. KingConquer
  6. It is not a rule. Farming is hitting a player more than 5 times over the course of 2 days.
  7. OR

    Join p ws like everyone else -.-
  8. pfft farming now is less than 3 or x100 retaliation from clan members....