The League of legends championship series is upon us as I'm on a phone and can't make anything fancy I'll start off by saying what teams or players are your favorite and what champion is your favorite, if this is not inline with tou then lock plz
Although not used much in the lcs I like to use kog maw whenever I play, to me he is a interesting champion to play as As for favorite team I like counter logic
Lol no pun intended but espn is meant to enertain and inform not a surprise to me they finally added esports, at one point they even had paintball
Regarding the OP, just because you're on mobile doesn't mean you can't make threads cool, BB Codes can be used on mobile. However I do disagree with people feeling pressured to use them because they're afraid of getting locked for lack of effort. Wonder who started that trend Anyways, I just hit lvl 30 in league and I've been playing my placements. I don't follow LCS very much, but I put my faith in any NA team As for favorite champs, I enjoy Jinx, Twisted Fate, and Annie. Sona is also bae. APC Sona ftw. When your ADC goes AFK and you 1v2 a Vayne and Soraka as Sona and have the greatest game of your life.
I'll probably spice it up when I hit my computer tomorrow , I'm not good using bb codes, so I'd rather make itknown then failing lol, ty for your input and having a afk sucks
Doesn't matter. Worst Vayne I've ever seen. Doesn't understand that MR blocks damage build straight into lich bane and they, and then farm Sona passive and hit em with that Q and huge basic attack, they don't stand a chance. Best burst ever.
THE KGB IS HUNTING ME DOWN OH NO! Tell my wife and children that they got memed. Kappa123 in the chat.
So a thread about flamboyant raging tweenies playing a slow as hell and overpopulated game in which the goal is to be better at PvE than the other guys?
Welp rikki close but no cigar it's PvP, and yes their are some idiots that like to ruin the game and make it bad for others
Answer is simple. DotA 2 > LoL. Based on the simple fact that it isn't pay to win, only cosmetic purchases. Whereas with LoL you need to log thousands of hours just to get one perfect build rune page, or spend $50