LC Resets

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by CurryBlaster, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. What is an easy and quick way to LC reset?
  2. Push the button
  3. There is no quick and easy unless you have 200b minimum in gold

    You need an alt. That's imperative. And your alt needs to have your 200b in gold in pots or allies

    You should sell all buildings and allies and ensure money is transferred over into your alt via 1. Ally volley or 2. Attack/Steal by your Alt

    You need about 30b per Reset + LC
    Optimum area to volley you and transfer cash is now 260-350m, don't go higher else during drop volley, your alt loses more money
    You need to be volleyed to 350m, the last purchase by your alt, who will drop volley you down to 260m
    Then two friends preferably will volley you up, and last purchase to 350m by your alt

    It takes roughly 4-hours to transfer 11.9b to allow you to LC, then you Reset, and start doing quests so you earn nobility and crystals. Then after 24hrs, the above repeats until you complete your 4LC+Resets

    Good Luck!