LC for Dummies

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Epic_nonstop_Poop, Feb 29, 2012.

  1. So I've noticed a lot of people don't know how to reset fast
  2. good guide, it helped me greatly.
  3. Lol this is the best thread iv seen
  4. The whole things not here is it?
  5. There goes 30 minutes of my life I'll never get back... 
  6. I just lmaoed from the first 2 posts....

    Try not to use the ampersand sign. The one that means and, like PBnJ.

    Btw, thread name is unoriginal.
  7. Lmfao!!!! Best 2 comments ever lmao
  8. That's why you save your work kids.
  9. If you don't know, ampersand is this: [​IMG]
  10. Can I say fail
  11. How do I delete this? 
  12. Request to a moderator to either delete or lock this thread :)
  13. Leave made peoples' days. The ampersand is just a pain, so nobody really thinks any less of you because that happened.
  14. The ampersand isn't even in my post! o_O
  15. Copying Ginjo's idea are we?