LC for bonuses help?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Sniiper, Dec 5, 2010.

  1. How much would I need on my first account to be able to volley transfer to LC on my alt, around 20bil or so maybe? I think I read LC us like 12bil. Or tips to go about this, I've read alot of forums but I think I'm gonna do it wrong. I was probably gonna volley my alt to a few bil so it has money to start volleying. Volley all the money over and over again till my alt has enough to LC. Is this a good idea or bad idea?
  2. It used to be a good idea but is now bad-ish because volley transfer efficiency has gone from 99% to 80% in a recent update.
  3. Bummer, I'm always late on things lol, and everything I think of has been done before lmfao
  4. Bacon isn't it like 60% efficiency? Or is that number justseared into my brain because of ally drop percent?
  5. Thats just the drop % toast. I remember raeki making a thread about it a while ago. It's actually not 80% as that's the asymptote. .
  6. It is around 60%. You transfer once to alt with a realistic 77% efficiency. Transfer back with another 77% efficiency. That's about 60% of what you started with.