lava mercs

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Ar_Tormentor_Ar, May 16, 2013.

  1. If you want to be a mercenary follow me.I will talk to you through pm.this is what this group is about.

    We like to move from clan to clan to help clans finish ebs.We like to do anything we can to help you.If you like to move to clan to clan this will be the perfect mercenary alliance for you :)
  2. If you want to merc, you need about 5x your stats 1/10
  3. When did "merc" start meaning people who help with EB's? I always use it as people who help with wars ๎„ old hat I guess
  4. Anyways, mercs are for wars.
  5. Better if its 10x his stats
  6. Mercs= people who help in ebs and wars
  7. Bacon, do you have to bandwagon on EVERYTHING?
  8. Mercs=mercenary which=someone who is payed to kill/attack someone
  9. Eb merc? Lmao
  10. I have eb mercs of his size tha my are just fine. And I believe we have war mercs his size too.
    Size means nothing if out of your bedroom.
  11. No war mercs his size deni lol๎’just Alts

    Eb mercs became popular last year. But they should still be able to fight. The op guys can't fight for crap
  12. Ohh. That explains it. :)

    But yea. They can help.
  13. Lmfao @ Lovely
  14. Was it the bedroom thing, that your laughing at? ๎’