Late matchups? or Free crystals?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by EagleHiredMeSoIResetOnHim, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Is anyone else not getting their EE match-up?
    Think we will be matched up or will devs notice they messed up and give us free crystals?
  2. I feel sorry for your parents
  3. We won't get any crystals. More likely a explanation and apology.
  4. I say free xtals even if they do match us... We need time to prepare a strategy, and usually take the full time to do so; we already have 30-40 minutes of that eaten away. Not good
  5. I say that (If they dont call it off completely) that they should allow us to use 3 xstals, not give us free xstals.
  6. same - waiting for match up...we just let someone in clan - but it won't let them back out :/
  7. Same no match up
  8. Doubtful we will get xtals though. 99% sure just a apology.
  9. No matchup here either. No notification since sign up
  10. As long as we get matched eventually, and get to war today, I will be happy with just an apology.

    If we wasted a lot of time to be active for a war that doesn't eventuate I will want something.
  11. Matches up
  12. matched up /lock now