Last reset ...

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by WB-WolfOfWalgreens-WB, May 27, 2012.

  1. Ok so im two lands away fron my last reset &when i reset i want to go hansel is it really worth it?! Idk...
  2. Go hansle when you lc ur acc the next time.
  3. I lc'ed with atk build, then converted
  4. You should do what you want
  5. Make your new name hawthorn the wretched or whatever
  6. @op

    go for it
  7. Yeah, more gold better in war
  8. What is hansel?
  9. Hlbc, then convert to hansel
  10. There is no last reset... Just ask peeka
  11. Hansel SOS I'm trying to get gold for that
  12. Yes donuts do taste pretty good...
  13. There is no last reset... Just ask peeka. Yes i know im on my fourth this is my last im doing 5 for the perms.
  14. Hansel is good for Allie plunder
  15. You spelled your name right this time...
  16. LC with attack build, then convert.
  17. Hansels suck in war unless u have **** load of allies. Experiment and do what u want. Hard to do eb eith hansel unless u use a lot of pots.
  18. Hansels are actually very vauble in war dumbass. :roll: