Land Labels

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Xilver, Sep 3, 2024.

  1. Dear ATA,

    Please for the love of God, give us labels for which land is which when looking at our kingdom on android devices.

    I shouldn't have to memorize the order of which land is which.

    Also while we are at it, can you give us better navigation for getting to the different lands on android? Maybe something similar to how ios does it?

  2. No Support.

    It’s the same on iPhone, it’s not that hard to memorize.

  3. I would just like faster access rather than having to hit return 5 times just to get back to HL
    Xilver likes this.
  4. Ours don't even look like that. But thanks for pointing out that you have no labels either.
  5. Also, why are you not supporting something that would help new players and returners alike? This would do wonders for accessibility.
  6. Really

    I just assumed Android was like this as well.
  7. Yeah, I don’t see why Android can’t be like iPhone’s set up

  8. Accessibility, sure. I think Android and iPhone lands should be like iPhones. But a little bit of memoization is good for you.
  9. Ours has two icons at the bottom left that constantly change depending on which land you're on. It's a bit confusing.