
Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IISPllO0lIKYllGUIlNllISHiPlI, Nov 25, 2016.

  1. I returned to KAW a couple months ago, and I know when Im lagging from a slow connection.. The lag Im having now though is definitely not from my end. I run ookla speed tests with 10 megs down on wifi and cellular and Im having horrible lag. Like an average 1.5-2.5 second between EB actions.

    Its not just EB lag though, its even laggy when I switch screens. For example In last nights LL war I closed CC to browse oppositions war roster and there was a lot of sporadic "screen tear" when the screen was transitioning from player profiles back to WR back to player profile.

    Is anyone else experiencing this? Im thinking the KAW servers are under heavy load because black friday events but still, Ive NEVER experienced real lag in this game that wasn't due to my own connection and its causing me concern..
  2. Every time they have a massive sale like this, more than the normal amount of players log on, thus straining the bandwith of the severs from the higher volume of traffic.
  3. Thats what I thought. I just asked in CC and lots of others lagging too. Ive just never lagged in this game so wanted to make sure 
  4. Advice from many peeps - DON'T WAR when Devs hot and heavy on making serious $ from this weekend. They don't care about the war community
  5. Also been lagging. Especially when doing Eb actions
  6. Helps to turn transitions off if on android
  7. Wow, how do you turn transitions off on android? There is a bug that temporarily removes them from iPhone but idk how to replicate it (or Id report it obviously) and it causes crash anyways