L3G0's guide to 

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by S1L3NT_G0R1LLA, Sep 2, 2011.

  1. Welcome
    Hope you enjoy

    When you start sell the buildings and keep the guild

    Ask for a volley up to ~3bil(give or take)

    Use your money to buy 9 lands and put 1 beastiary, 7 Cathedrals on the remaining lands and upgrade your guild to lvl 2 or 3(if you can afford)

    Enter the attack side of a pwar and save money for a 25 mil ally. Keep buying 25mil allies until you are max plunder

    Buy land and put cathedrals on them until you have 13 lands

    Save money to upgrade you guild to lvl 3 and stay max plunder. Then swap all but your beastiary for lvl 3 guilds. STAY MAX PLUDER

    Keep buying land and putting lvl 3 guilds on them until you have 20 lands. Then start to turn your guilds to lvl 4

    Once you have 18 lvl 4 guilds, change your beast to a lvl 3 aviary straight away!!!!
    This is important

    Keep buying land and putting lvl 4 guilds on them straight away until you have 4 highlands. Now you should swap your aviary for a lvl 3 COE. Now you should have 27 lvl4 guilds and 1 lvl 3 COE

    Buy land and lvl 4 guilds until you have 13 highlands. Now you can save money for T4 hansel or start to go attack build

    To go T4 hansel save 750bil in allies and convert all at once
    Convert your guilds to T4 lvl 3s one at a time

    Good luck hope it helps
  2. Tell me how it is( it's my first guide )
  4. That's a nice plain, but remember, their are many ways, some easier than others, to grow.. U speak of the hansil tactic witch isn't too productive in the ebs.
    Not sure how true , but I'm hearing next update will end pwars, if it's true, hansil builds will be less desirable for growth, unless your already where u need to besorry
  5. When I went hansel and I make more in EBs and do more damage. 90 assassinate and 130 with attack plus the 2.5m item is more than I was before I converted. Good guide L3G0! 
  6. Bman hansels do good on ebs 2 on haunting if I'm active I come #1
  7. I make more in ebs than "eb builds" so no hansel still be one of the best ways to grow
  8. Max pluder is good for mony