Welcome Hope you enjoy When you start sell the buildings and keep the guild Ask for a volley up to ~3bil(give or take) Use your money to buy 9 lands and put 1 beastiary, 7 Cathedrals on the remaining lands and upgrade your guild to lvl 2 or 3(if you can afford) Enter the attack side of a pwar and save money for a 25 mil ally. Keep buying 25mil allies until you are max plunder Buy land and put cathedrals on them until you have 13 lands Save money to upgrade you guild to lvl 3 and stay max plunder. Then swap all but your beastiary for lvl 3 guilds. STAY MAX PLUDER Keep buying land and putting lvl 3 guilds on them until you have 20 lands. Then start to turn your guilds to lvl 4 Once you have 18 lvl 4 guilds, change your beast to a lvl 3 aviary straight away!!!! This is important Keep buying land and putting lvl 4 guilds on them straight away until you have 4 highlands. Now you should swap your aviary for a lvl 3 COE. Now you should have 27 lvl4 guilds and 1 lvl 3 COE Buy land and lvl 4 guilds until you have 13 highlands. Now you can save money for T4 hansel or start to go attack build To go T4 hansel save 750bil in allies and convert all at once OR Convert your guilds to T4 lvl 3s one at a time Good luck hope it helps
That's a nice plain, but remember, their are many ways, some easier than others, to grow.. U speak of the hansil tactic witch isn't too productive in the ebs. Not sure how true , but I'm hearing next update will end pwars, if it's true, hansil builds will be less desirable for growth, unless your already where u need to besorry
When I went hansel and I make more in EBs and do more damage. 90 assassinate and 130 with attack plus the 2.5m item is more than I was before I converted. Good guide L3G0!