Kronic's Guide To Selling Allies Creatively

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by III__Kronic__King__III, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Before I begin, make sure the ally you buy is:
    •good combined stats for his price
    •underpriced ^^^^^^^^kinda the same thing I guess
    •also, use havoc's guide

    To pick an ally at a certain price you can afford by writing down one of the prices, like one of these...


    Now you need to search for the ally



    (Hopefully that code for bold text works)
    One of my favorite ways of selling an ally fast is to log onto my alt account and then buy him from me. Then I can buy another ally quickly while my alt has the ally for the next day before he sells the ally. This is probably the most effective way of selling an ally quickly.

    Secondly, you can always spam people who post in wc's walls until your ally is sold. I am currently doing this with my ally I have now it is boring but works after a little bit of time.
    Here is a picture:

    Here is another way of creatively selling an ally. If he has a small price <1 billion, say he is new and needs a volley. They will probably sell for you.

    Yet another way is by just waiting for the ally to be sold. May take a day or two, but worth it for the 1.58% bonus.

    The last way that came to my mind while typing this is by finding players with banners like "Dont hire me from 'AwesomeKaWer'" Because they tend to be bought back by their owner, making you fast cash. Beware though, they may get angry and strip farm you or something...

    Anyway, hope these different selling methods work for you in the future.

    -Kronic King
  2. This is repetitive, nice work though.
  3. Thanks I know but it's 11pm and I'm tired and can't think straight.
  4. Coffee, soda, and getting hit in the face will wake you up 
  5. Yeah but I don't wanna be up till 2 when I have school the following morning
  6. My favorite 4 letter forum word that starts with a "B"
  7. Not bad. Just look it over when you wake up (or just drink a monster now) and tweek it a little.
  8. I'll fix it tomorrow vas
  9. Good thread, only problem i have with it is the ally you hired, he has such low stats. :lol:
  10. Not really. He sold pretty fast for me.