Kronic King's Ally Broker Business

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by III__Kronic__King__III, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Well, basically, I'm not copying Prime, I have made this thread for different reasons...I guess. You can follow me, then pm me a requested price range, I will find and buy one under that price range so he is your price, OR, If I don't have enough money to pay for the ally price your looking for, I will search for you...for free. I believe that this will strengthen our bonds in future ally shopping when I do have enough cash etc.
    so, follow me maybe?
  2. Sooo, you want us to help you make money?
  3. Well, we both make money, or only the customer makes money.
  4. Post confuses me
  5. This is a scam :O
  6. Btw it is a scam lol did buisness with him in another account
  7. I've never "done business" with you....
  8. Whats the term? Other acounts?
  9. Name your other account. Or pm me it if you want it to be kept secret