Kreuzritter / K r e u z r i t t e r / Black Hand

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Resilient_Lyanna, Jun 16, 2012.

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  1. I'm not sure how I would feel, If I was fighting for an ally clan, or for my own clan for that matter, and part of the clan left and I didn't get invited cuz they didn't trust me.

    Some faith they have in all of you in clan K r e u z r i t t e r.

    Your better people than I am. They ask you to get stripped on their behalf, ask you to attack and risk your kingdom. But then you get crapped on while you get to sit with their alts, and the moles who watch your every move, so they can go sit in the other clan with their mains and not worry about it.

    I'd probably have to think about where my allegiance and loyalty resided at.

    On a side note:
    Nice to see all the Kreuzritter alts from Black Hand back in their home clan.
  2. Kreuzritter out of war?
  3. Lol
  4. Black hand has a LOT of spies...
  5. Ich bin nicht sicher, was los ist, aber ich hoffe, dieser beitrag ist verständlich.
  6. nice try, too bad things don't connect as you wish it would, Lyanna.

    Kreuz fighting their own battle. Fighting the same enemy, who's still butt hurt after last year war that resulted in Res LB players drop off lb. Maybe that is why Kreuz was PROVOKED to enter this war? Lol

    'Kreuz alts in BH' - I know only one kreuz alt, semi active and no, it doesn't belong to an lb player My pure spy alt is in Kreuz, but I bought him after Kreuz joined Res war. Lol actually, I had my 4mill cs alt doing ebs in Kreuz - is that what bothered you? LMAO

    War started from Aox attacking 4 BH members, who didn't touch them. Even inactive at that time member recieved inc from AoX. They apparently 'tried to protect' 73rr0rC311 Who received 4 bl hits from ONE BH member and couldn't deal with it on her own.

    This is just one ss of unprovoked hits that's started BH vs Army of Xian war:
    That account left AoX 2 days later and hiding lol I wonder who's alt is that?

    Here is one of the accounts that has been hitting Kreuz admins all along while BH fought AoX and that was a reason for kreuz to join:
    That account is one of Necro alts. Necro aka Reborn aka Jack__Daniels, maybe even aka Lyanna

    So when you speak of alts in about your alts that started it? 73rr0rC31, Jack__Daniels, Trlg0nom3try...and all of your alliance involved fighting for their unprovoked actions against BH or Kreuz lol

    Res joined summer wars which makes them untouchable until its over. You putting your alliance up front and making them take all the hits that belong to you? How nice of you guys
  7. We didn't provoke anything and you know it. You thought we'd be easy meat and now your all bummed that we didn't cry uncle in a week...

    Too bad for you.
  8. right..LOL please..that's like saying 'attack' button isn't read. Your another lame propaganda attempt had failed.

    Question is: if y'all are doing so well, why do you need propaganda for?

    Keep fighting your system war while your alliance being hit and stripped because of your alts and instead of you
  9. Achtung
  10. Wow blazey are you a dev? You seem to know everything, try having an idea of you own, not info fed to you on a spoon.

    Next you will be crying that your getting beat down by CAS. First you cry its 8 vs 2, next you will cry that Res in war we cant hit them awww.

    What I know is: Were at war, quit whining about how it started and fight. Your the mighty BLACK HAND, start acting like it.
  11.  who started this forum post? Yes I do know btw but honestly writing a forum post and moaning about people responding lol.
    personally I'm here because I like os war and my friends are on this side
    Not sure if I knew when joined why it started or not can't remember now I've slept since then 
    War on please may the best side win (obviously that's us )
    Oh and if any cf agreement I want tacos and dip 
  12. I've been very inactive for the past month so my following argument may be false:

    You're whining about BH and their allie Kreuz fighting together? Why? Res invited..well I've lost count? 4 other clans to fight for/with them? What kind of hypocrisy is that..
  13. Lawl, try reading the post, was talking about the two different kreuz clans, but looks like they all ran back anyway. Guess you been on vaca, so probably didnt even notice.

    I agree with MAGOO, it was just blazey who got sidetracked on the thread, pointing fingers, when she should use them to keep herself busy.
  14. I do know. Besides all the facts that lead me to such conclusions, me and Jack__Daniels had conversations on many of his accounts. That was before Res or Kreuz got involved.

    Who's whining? 8vs2 and y'all can't do crap to end this war for 3 months now? Awww LOL
    Or that you entered system's that 'whining' when I'm saying I can't hit you? Not like you can hit me and I can't retaliate, right? I wanna hit you but you chose to be untouched, not us.

    Though you are whining by making this thread, trying to look all human with feelings, so worried for Kreuz.
    To me it seems like you trying to make Kreuz withdraw based on your 'fighting for BH alts' statement. Forgot to mention that Kreuz was provoked to join this war. And if so, are you a dev? What makes you think there are kreuz alts in BH? You are Being a hypocrite in every post you make. Doesn't give y'all justice.
  15. I recall seeing a ss blazey of you more or less asking for CF for you and Kreuz to walk away, why would we want to stop, its like hitting a PWAR. Ok anyway, Im not gonna let blazey lead this thread stray.

    Plain and simple, kreuz attacked our clan for the 2nd time in one year, for Black Hand related issues. Wont b any walking away this time.

    MOD please lock, stop the rubbish.
  16. Oh magoo.... You've done it again
  17. YES BLAZE.... Listen here Res person... Do not question Blaze... He is not a dev...Quit the whining about being hit.. You asked why, and in typical blaze fashion (loves the SS) showed you the reason for it... Read it again and quit trolling your own thread asking for locks, You asked and You were lucky enough to receive a proper answer... Take it as a win... I love reading this stuff

    Keep up Everyone... 
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