Kotfe Vs ROA OSW

Discussion in 'Wars' started by iNTeR___Psycho-Humper___MaSS, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Kofte do you guys call yourself warrior?

    I dont think so you guys fight like crap yea you guys are attcking me and pinning my soldiers but you are hitting with 7.5-10 mil cs.

    The only reason people fear you guys is because you beat AotS but did you notice that on everyone of their clan walls it said

    Dedicated Eb clan

    they probley had a couple osw vets in them but the rest were pwar and eb noobs you cant call yourself warriors if you have Kotfe and all your allies then the whole Chaos Reborn family attacking like 30 people, i hope you "warriors" notice that you arnt even close to winning

    Reign of assassinsPwning Kofte for life
  2. Okay sack, i may be in the same clam as you and warring kotfe as well, but enough with the threads. Shut up and fight now, talk later.
  3. You make fun of Aots and kotfe?
  4. Clan* damn auto correct, I didn't catch that one
  5. Ahhh clans sorry went brain dead for a sec
  6. Remember, sleeping makes you win wars.
  7. I know darkness I sleep about 23 hours a day
  8. Sleep kawing! :lol:
  9. Nothing said by a self-proclaimed "sacktapper" should be taken seriously.
  10. Good on ya! Sleeping allows you to be fully awake to attack!
  11. I know! I button tap so fast the one hour I'm awake
  12. And he call everyone an eb warrior? So I guess you Battle listed to your stats? 
  13. After that one hour of hitting, you need to make sure your thumb is ready the next time, so I recommend you get someone to massage your hand on hourly intervals to make sure you're in perfect shape!
  14. I sleep with it in a thumb warmer. :D
  15. :lol:
    I can't reply to that :lol:
  16. Damn have fun with resetting op
    Du du du chsh another one bites the dust
  17. X524 you bootlicking little twit. I saw you begging on wall after wall, thread after thread to be left alone. At least op and the small war clan he fights from have what it takes to at least try to fight. Why don't you have fun resetting moron instead of talking rubbish because you were to scared to take the hits. This kind of fight suits Kotfe as they perform best when they completely outnumber their opponents. As stand alone individual players only a small handful of them can handle a fair fight.
    Much respect and support op
  18. Alison my reply to x was gonna look sorta like that.