KotFE the Crybabies

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llxXx_N3V3R_3NDING_ST0RY_xXxII, Aug 12, 2012.

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  1. Cheese made fun of my clan!


    Before a moderator thinks about locking this thread, you might want to take a minute to review the Rules of Conduct and take special note of the section titled "Restricted Forum Behavior," where kaw_admin wrote:

    So without further ado, let the clan bashing begin!

    KotFE is a fail clan with fail admin and fail leadership.

    They fail to recognize that they can't hurt me, and they continue to take losses the longer this conflict continues.

    KotFE, I offer you your surrender conditions:

    1. Pay me 20b gold
    2. Wannabe_chuck_norris must make an apology thread to Alison for being a fail leader and not properly investigating the situation

    Failure to comply will result in the repeated stripping of your clanmates one by one.

    Take your time. I'm having a blast embarrassing you all.


    Since I've been asked about it repeatedly, here is the background regarding why this thread exists and why I'm fighting KotFE.

    In the beginning of August, my friend, -Alison-, made a thread announcing her plans to quit. She said she was frustrated with people in war clans not being able to fight 1 v 1. She explained that she started a fight with a KotFE member named bendangee (koreanknight), and that he had called in reinforcements to help keep her pinned.

    Being the good, loyal friend that I am, on page two of that thread, I commented saying:

    followed by:

    This was followed by a discussion regarding who escalated the situation first.

    During that time, a few members of KotFE began attacking me.

    After speaking with bendangee in pal, I saw what happened.

    bendangee thought that Alison asked for help from ISS to pin bendangee. So bendangee called in his clan to go after Alison and ISS. Some conversation transpired between ISS and KotFE and KotFE stopped on ISS but continued on Alison. What they realized was that Alison didn't ask them for help. She simply joined ISS to help them with an EB when she saw them post in WC. When she got there, she explained that she wanted to help but was being pinned and would need to use crystals to hit.

    Being the warriors that they are, ISS asked Alison who was hitting her. She told them who it was, so they took it upon themselves to pin him back. This was the point that caused this whole situation to escalate.

    KotFE believed that this was Alison's attempt to ask for help. Alison believes that she was just explaining why she wasn't hitting the EB.

    Both sides have differing opinions and interpretations of the situation, and they both obviously aren't going to see the other side's perspective.

    In response to KotFE using their entire clan to go after me for sharing my thoughts on Alison's thread, I created a satirical recruiting thread poking fun at KotFE for needing to hide behind their allies and trying to bully and intimidate people to submit to their will.

    I believe some of them cried to the mods about it because it was locked and deleted. Whether that's true or not is irrelevant. I created this thread so I would have a place to talk trash on KotFE.

    Presently, KotFE has called in their entire family of clans just to come after little old me in an effort to shut me up.

    I refuse to remain silent, and I will continue standing my ground no matter what the odds against me may be.
  2. Cheese- you're a ******* boss.
    I love you.
    (lil' bit homo).
  3. You made a recruitment thread. KotFE already has one, therefor spam.
  4. Love you, too, bro. :cool:
  5. Is this about me bro? ;) ILY TOO
  6. Cheese...don't leave, this is all too fun to read :lol: 
  7. IGCB-
    Bit outdated? A new fresher, cheesier one would be nice. So, therefore, they got a better one than they already had.
  8. Lol cheese, keep pinned and the threads coming. If you think any of us care you are sadly mistaken.

    Keeping cheese pin for life KoTFE
  9. therefore*

    It was a sattirical clan bashing, not a legitimate recruiting thread, obviously. You keep on disappointing me with your lack of intellect, IGCB :cry:
  10. P.S.

    My love for cheese is too extreme to express...
  11. Some guy called chuck-machine-chuck-norris followed me. He's in kotfe. Cheese, me and you, tag team terror? XD
  12. King norris*
    The butthurt noob on page 1.
  13. Keeping pinned - not so much. Being a ROYAL pain in your collective ass? You bet your sweet, smelly underwear I am!

    I've got this for days and days, weeks and weeks. You'll give up eventually.

    I said I was gonna quit when the T4 sale starts, but I might just stick around to keep you pissed off.
  14. Let's do this! :lol:
  15. I love cheese.

    I put that **** on EVERYTHING!
  16. Lmfao he followed me too 
  17. 
  18. Lol always offering surrender terms in all your threads!

    U enjoying yourself so much, why offer terms

    And now u looking for help! Lol

    Good luck growing!
  19. Willeh!! I love you more than you know, buddy! 
  20. Cheese, Your awesome! Love you bro! B-)
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