kotfe and the rest of the Apoc alliance 

Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIIIISouthernJusticeIIIIIl, Sep 14, 2014.

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  1. Hey guys lol thanks for the 200 bil strip last night it's saddening when it takes multiple clans to strip a player.......

    Now let's be honest how much do you think you really took...... If you really think I'm going to quit or ask for a cf your sorely mistaken! I have 3 mains so this is my call out! Don't sleep! I'll pick off one noob at a time 

    And to Dbad! Bro I love I love you man! It's time I make 2 of those bombs go off! Much love my friend!

    And as for a cf request! I demand you kiss my right ass cheek! Thank you!

    Requesting a lock after post!
  2. #butthurthardcore
  3. Multiple clans to strip a player?

    Of course they're going to use multiple clans to strip you, you aren't worth the xtals it would require 1 clan to strip you with.
  4. What's wrong with the left?
  5. Always happy to kiss a cheek
  6. The butthurt is strong on this thread.
  7. OP is tough, he posts and requests immediate lock so people can't laugh at him
  8. Dbad is addicted to munching bombs - we all are nom nom nom
  9. Aren't you the guy who died from cancer?
  10. Reset bombs under 500 bil are useless in the big alliance hte era
  11. Multiple times apparently.

    /locked due to op request.
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