KO or Self KO?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by I_I_I-DarkAce07-I_I_I, Jan 19, 2013.

  1. So I just warred in a war against a gd clan. And I was been scouted, yet the guy (Draco) was failing most of them. Yet he managed to 'KO' me. I thought, isnt this a little unfair cause the dude failed yet he manages to steal 233mil from my plunder score. Thats like been rewarded for failing..
    So my question is:
    If a person is down to 0 troop n spies due to failed action,
    a) should they recieve just a Self Ko, since they did manage successfully defend?
    b) should the defender be punished for defending successfully

    My Vote is pretty obvious and it is: A

    **Ps, this thread was by no means set to go negatively towards Dracobeast**

    Feel Free to leave your opinions :geek:

    ╔╗╔╗╔╗-- Proudly: Trident
    ╠╣║ .╠- -- & Chinese Triumph
    ╝╚╚╝╚╝-- & CT - Hero
  2. Reserved (Cause i felt like it)
    **This was mostly because i didnt want ppl going 'first'**
  3. c) it makes perfect sense under the way kaw has always been. you lose troops when you are attacked. if that loss of troops knocks you to zero...well. you should have self pinned.
  4. What's the point in reserving it...
    What are you going to add there?

    Also, no. KO means knock out. If you had properly defended yourself as you state, you wouldn't have been KO.

    They manage to get a KO on you by knocking your troops and spies to 0. You didn't knock them down, they did. So they earned the KO.
  5. It's a ko. Imagine your depending your home city and your a general. The battle kills all of your troops but the enemy has some left in reserve. You have no one to stop another wave meaning you will loose afterwords

    They don't get immediate plunder they just move it from you to them so it fits that premise (they walk in and steal your plunder for their team but not themselves).
  6. It's like...

    You found some money on the street.
    You put the money in your jacket.
    Someone mugs you, and you are KO
    They take the money from your jacket, but not from your wallet.

    You find some money on the ground
    You pick it up and put it in your pocket.
    You go to the ER, and have them put you in a medically induced coma until people stop looking for the money you found.
  7. No, he knocked you out fair and square
  8. Oh, CareBear. Everyone comes in we and gives explanations and examples and you use a one-liner.

    Are you trying to stand out? It's working ;)
  9. Well I answered his question. He didn't ask why ;)
  10. Lol ok dear.

    Also, I like how he said to "vote" as if we had a say :lol:
  11. i appreciate the detailed replies from everyone :)
    but sky: in your opinion wouldnt the same thing occur if you SKO on an enemy? they would still be able to steal your money cause u have no re-enforcement..
  12. no because your money would be safe back in your kingdom.
  13. Nice example denied. 
  14. Is that supposed to say denied, or Deni...
    I am so changing my name back to LovelyDenial :lol:
  15. Wait.....that would still be easily confusable...
    Nvmd...but I will find something.
  16. surely you could travel to the kingdom that SKOd on you, considering u know the other kingdom doesnt have defendors? (they walked in times of KaW rite? or ride dragons? ride wolves? flew?)
  17. Yes. But it takes 15 minutes to get there ;)
  18. [in SW]
    it normally takes me about 5 seconds to hit someone...and about 1 minute for the other guy to hit me...i guess travelling is kinda fast-forwarded in land of KaW..