Introduction Well, to start off, these knights were brave, and they were a wealth of information for those Kingdoms seeking ways. If you saw one of them, you couldn't tell the tale. They were the most prestigious Knights, and they were feared and respected. Their mages were VERY accomplished and the warriors weren't known to lose wars or battles.
Prolouge A Knight walked around the arena, his enemy having the look of determination on his face. The Knight was not afraid. He calmly circled, looking for a spot that he tensed at, so he could strike.
The Knight saw his chance, leaped up, and just as it looked like the Knight had gone for the face, he feinted and hit the heart instead. The arena people started booing and jumped out of their chairs and bound him in chains.
The Story Teller got interupted. "Where is this book?" Asked a person telling him the name. He pointed in the direction of the book, and turned around, and resumed writing.
"This is not good news." Said a man in a camo suit. "I know." Said General Almandi. "Well," the man spoke, "why not get a new recruit?" "Because," Said General Almandi, "Only those who have the bravery to join are allowed." "Nobody else can even FIND another Knight." The man, General Almandi, held aloft a sword, with plated armor and boots made for battle.
The other man's name was "K" as everyone called him. He walked around the room, pacing. General Almandi said, "This could be the opening we have been waging for." K said, "What opening?" Almandi answered, "To finally wage war against the Rivals."
Again the kid said, "Where?" The Story Teller, now thoroughly mad, pointed again. But instead of resuming writing, he walked outside, got into his sports car, and drove home, not ever going back into that story again.
But, little to the Story Teller's knowledge, everytime someone used that pen to write, it made things come true. Anything.