Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, Oct 25, 2012.

  1. So I woke up a couple of days ago to this...


    This was a surprise... And yes they have ss


    I told them it was not me. And it wasn't...
    If I did this thing I would just say so and be done with it. I am many things, but not a liar.

    How could I even get so many successful attacks on this player without even 1 fail?
    Why would I bother with some noob from a subclan I have never even heard of, if I wanted to start up again with Kotfe?
    Why would I attack, when I am a hansel and am built to steal?
    This also occurred during the early hours of my morning when I would have been asleep.
    The player in question is brimarie2. Who I now realize is a liar and a gutless farm for me now. Ironically, even after a fb if assass I can barely get 2 successful attack on, let alone a fb of successful attacks as their crappy ss shows.

    Kotfe want me to reset, but Kotfe can jam it as far as I'm concerned. Their endless fails against my endless amount pots and my but hurt build is the best these school children can do.


    So now i say. Bring it! You pack of chuck machine king fail ball sucking noobs.
    You are the liars and monsters in this, you horrid little gutless turkey neck scum.
    I have x-tals for everyone.
    I am officially the most but hurt player in KaW
    And I say dance morons dance...
  2. Ooooo, its on now.
  3. Go Alison! 
  4. support for -Alison-
  5. That's ridiculous.
  6. Alright. Lets get this show goingpopcorn pls
  7. Round 3? Ding ding ding!

    Seriously, has anyone searched for -aiison-?

    Let me check right now
  8. There's only 1 dash. Who makes an alt that similar to their own name?
  9. And it starts again, have fun KotFE 
  10. Op your being framed
  11. Oh nevermind weird format
  12. Nope, no -aiison- exists.

    Carry on chaps