Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by llll_x_blackhandshady_x_llll, Sep 16, 2015.

  1. we are recruiting

    yes we do osw pvp and also war!

    our number 1 rule is to have fun
    pvp is an option to

    KBG is a Clan with one purpose To take supremacy in kaw to grow in vast numbers across the lands in kaw and take over. We do believe in farming only friendly competition Yes we do Ebs to acomplish all battles kaw has to offer and aquire all achievements of clan moral and Organization. We are a family and will Fight to protect each other if need be, We will grow and expand untill The name Knight is wore by only the one true Family of Knights. We are young and still inexperienced in area's All will come in time This is our Creed All for One, the true just cause, A FREE world where u can choose to eb or pvp But never worry about the tierany in Evil men that threaten to poison and and Destroy our brothers and Sister.
  2. Did you say you aren't allowed to farm but you want the freedom to pvp?
    You aren't even in that clan :lol:
  3. And on that day, not a single care was given. Not a one.
    Look at then all. None.
  4. That blue plus the white is really weird for me on iPhone. Depth perception troubles