KINGS clarifying

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_____KING-DODO_____IlI, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. Kings are currently fighting along side of black hand, kreuzritter and urban killers against several clans, we needed to point out some facts to avoid any misunderstandings for those who are outside the ongoing events.

    We as kings don't troll or trash talk even during wars, so this is to serve as an explanation and nothing else.

    Before we decided to join this war, we were planning for a totally different war. But we decided to join this war for one simple reason: disrespect. It is no secret that we have fought several wars with I.S. Clan. They have joined against us in several wars that were unrelated to them and took the opportunity to try and take us out while we were fighting a different opponent. That is not our style. We rather fight our own wars in honorable ways. In our last OSW with SOH, res/is and others yet again used the opportunity to come on us. At that time, as the leader of the Kings, I personally decided to write a sincere letter to Res/IS to get this settled and move on since they used every opportunity to come on us and couldn't move on. Well at that time we agreed to be civil, and let each other go and agreed to not cross paths again. Since then, they have disrespected us again by calling us clowns and so forth in a war thread that was unrelated to us. We sincerely wanted to move on from IS even though they have consistently tried to prevent our clan growth, provoke us in to wars with others, even going as far as following potential members and warning them to stay away.
    Again, while we were preparing for a different and unrelated war, IS disrespected on walls of our guest and members, They also PM'ed us with threats with only assumptions that we were going to join the war against them and these threats followed up with hits coming our way our of nowhere. That's not us guys, we haven't done it before to anyone (until this time), that's you: who have done it to us more than several times. I understand the paranoia about me/us coming for them, but talking to me or my guys in a civil manner (like we do) is not that hard to do. You could have asked me instead of threatening us as if we would back down due to your threats. So once they have disrespected, threatened, insulted, made fun off and offended us numerous times in PM’s and forums during this time, we have decided to a first time thing; to join their existing war against them, just like they did to us on more than several occasions. Honestly, we didn’t have any real beef with RES, they just happen to be other side, that’s all. Remember guys, I am one person in a clan full of people. Although I may be the leader, this is a family and it’s the family’s clan, not mine. IS’s disrespect our members due to your personal issues with me have caused us to join this war. Therefore, here it is, our explanation of why we have joined black hand, UK and Kreuzritter against Res , I.S. , dbd, lnr, lotr and some others…
    Since the start of war, Resilience has gone into our clan MAYBE and gained adminship and impersonated me and forfeited the EB and kicked all members. To be clear, from the start of the war, MAYBE was there as a service for kaw to obtain EB items. We gave adminship to outside visitors to let it be a self sustaining clan that the rest of KAW can use for their benefit. The loss of MAYBE does not affect us one bit. However, we do apologize for those who were in the EB that got forfeited, we did not think some people who has spent a considerable time in kaw would see this as an achievement for their selves.
    We wanted to clarify these to avoid any misunderstandings in the future. We do not troll forums but watch how this thread will get trolled. Below are SS shots showing some of the disrespect given(not even %5 of it). We normally do not deal with SS’ as we take the word of our members and those who know us know the truth and fairness in our words, but thought it was appropriate as many in kaw need proof.
    Lastly, I just wanted to say Hello to the Dodo fan club. (Sorry for ending on a personal note, but needed to say that. it’s unbelievable how many of you are obsessed with a cyber person you don’t even know…)
    Tyvm for sparing the time to read, we probably won’t post again here, happy kawing.

    1 disrespect example to kings

    forfeit of imposter

    one smaller talker of i.s.

    imposter in MAYBE cc
  2. Wow. Much respect your way Kings.
  3. Wow! Support to Kings 
  4. DODO - U are a clown! Cut the bull. U took the opportunity to poke ur nose in our business yet again. It's ok tho, this time u will get no CF like u always beg for. We will disband ur clans jus like we did with kings club. U will be seeing me in ur news when the time comes to target u muppets!
  5. Mdk, I actually do remember you and Wampo talking **** on that lame thread of yours so you cut the bull and don't be hypocrite. We all know you stock your nose in Kings vs SoH war. When you posted this thread with crap talk on Kings, I knew it'll be a matter of days before Kings join. So here we are, time to eat your own **** MDK lolol
  6. GO DODO! If ya need assistance ya have FI on ya back 
  7. Nicely written bravo. Support all the way.
  8. Dodo, I don't care if your higher power himself , came to u in a dream and told you to get to the promis land, attack IS.
    We are not letting you go free this time. Your clams may pass in your clan but we know what happened and so dose all our clans.
    Reset dodo, all accounts . And disban your kings legacy. Leave nothin more than the stench that your poor decisions have emitted into the Kaw atmosphere.
    Goodby dodo, we won't miss you
  9. Refreshing post, finally a thread that isn't filled with grammatical errors. On another note, good luck to the Kings family. 
  10. Pure bull...kings participated in a strip against our member before it got official that they were joining war...then res retaliated! I'm not gonna trash talk...this is the facts...dodo saw his opportunity to get back on IS n now he is going to face consequences from breaking cf
  11. Someone's gonna


    all over this thread.
  12. Support...
  13. Good Luck all kings
  14. Im the imposter... Im grateful Dodo took the time to memorialize his incompetence as a clan leader with screen shots. Thank you for the laugh.

    I also coordinated the strip on the alt owner of the clan that resulted in the loss of roughly 80% of his gold.

    All Dodo had to do was honor his word, and the shiny gold badge for MAYBE would be relevant to KaWdom today.

    But, he didnt. So now that badge memorializes one of the epic deceptions in KaW history- the higher you fly the farther you fall.

  15. Unless you have wings...
  16. Dodo u really are a GREAT liar I remember the first war of IS and kings u r JERK and an idiot whatever comes ur way u deserve it. Support to my IS friends 