Kingdoms of Roleplay

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Marodo, Feb 14, 2011.

  1. Since my other thread was deleted for no apparent reason, im making another.

    •no godmodding

    As u can see there is almost no rules, an rp is what u make of it.

    In this rp u will be responisble for making ur own money for taxes or just to buy better objects for urself. You can make money by doing any jobs tht ur country's king has allowed. In can include farming to jewel cutting. The tax will be collected at least every 2 weeks, ask the king for futher instructions.

    In this rp u can fight freely (Ex: -attacks with a magic strike-) or level and damage based (Ex: say ur lvl 5 with 20 health and u get hit by a 5 damage weapon, u then are at 15 hp). In L.D. Fighting u can only get 3 blocks and 3 doges so use them wisely. When u reach 0 hp, u are rushed to a hospital, and after 20 minutes u regain ur fighting ability and all of ur hp.

    Currently we have 4 kingdoms
    Sadly, these kingdoms' bios were deleted along with the old thread. If u want to kno wut the kingdom's stand for and what they are best at, u can ask a representative or the king himself. Be aware that when u join a kingdom, u can be involved in civil wars, political problems, or battles with citizens, monsters, or other countries. Ur king may banish u if u break his laws.

    Leveling up
    Every 2 weeks of roleplaying, u have the ability to level up. In order to level up, u must visit the wizard tower which is 3 days away from any kingdom. Taxes support half of ur financial need to travel to the tower. The cost to get to a tower is 2000 gold, with tax support. Every level up u can gain better magic, weapons, perks (stealth, speed, etc...), armor, and better market privelages. U can also level up by doing quests for the king or people in the kingdom. U can also host quests if u do not hav the time to get specific items or doing any errands.

    As every day passes u need at least one meal, based on the status of ur kingdom, u can get better meals.

    If i am missing anything i will add it later. This rp can take place in forums or in palringo, but palringo is highly suggested. I hope u will join!
  2. While the other Guardians might approve of this, I don't like it...
  3. Cheese, it got deleted... I like the rp im not just gonna let it die
  4. I'll repost the M'Rania bio and update it. It will probably go extremely in-depth as I update it more.

    we need more citizens... :(
  6. Actually Marodo... Check out Questions/Feedback. (v1.15 FTW!)
  7. What are we supposed to be looking for star?
  8. They moved old thread to Q/F for some reason. No mod comment however.
  9. Lol weird
  10. Ok, I'll repost my bio now then edit it.
  11. M'Rania
    Group: M'Rania RP

    M'Rania is a Technological country. They are constantly developing some of the latest Technologies. They are large traders, and will share their discoveries with their allies. They are usually peaceful, and really mainly on their tech in war.

    Kingdom Status:
    M'Rania is currently holding our first election. All members are recommended to vote.

    Jahiah - Allies
    Terragon - Allies
    Omnitopia - Allies
    ??? - Status Unknown

    Each citizen recieves a base salary based on level. You may trade, sell, etc... items and related for extra gold.
    Each Sunday, a tax of 10% will be taken and put in the vault.
    Vault: 100 gold

    Social Classes:

    King/Queen - Holds supreme power over the whole country.
    Politicians - A small political group elected by citizens. Aids in government, but power is small compared to royalty. Used to satisfy popultion politically. Limited numbers, one will be elected for every 10 group mmbers. Automatically promoted to level 6.
    Engineer - Anyone who aids in the technological section of the country. Inventing takes 3 days to complete, creator decides price.
    Trader - Responsible for trade between the countries. All traders recieve military training as the main soliders, and are also trained to forms of espionage. Each trading voyage lasts 3 days and the trader has contact only on the second day, you may trade goods for gold at that point or commit espionage.
    Basic Citizen - Regular citizen who does not aid in any of the other sections. Role given to most women and children and anyone who performs other tasks. Often assigned to military in war.


    A citizen will level up every 10 days, or once they have completed a task of significance. Levels 7-10 may not be earned through time. Each citizen may use one of each weapon class in battle.

    Level 1
    HP - 5
    Wages - 4 gold/day
    Equipment - Fists (Physical); 1 damage, may be comboed at number equal to level (L1=1 atk, L2=2 atk, L3=3 atk,...)

    Level 2
    HP - 10
    Wages - 8 gold/day
    Equipment - Club (Melee 1); 2 damage

    Level 3
    HP - 15
    Wages - 16 gold/day
    Equipment - Rock (Ranged 1); 4 damage

    Level 4
    HP - 20
    Wages - 32 gold/day
    Equipment -

    Level 5
    HP - 25
    Wages - 64 gold/day
    Equipment - Bow & Arrow (Ranged 2); 10 damage

    Level 6
    HP - 30
    Wages - 128 gold/day
    Equipment -

    Level 7
    HP - 40
    Wages - 256 gold/day
    Equipment - Poison Bomb (Ranged 3); 5 damage, victim is poisoned and will recieve 10 damage hourly for the remainder of the battle.

    Level 8
    HP - 50
    Wages - 512 gold/day
    Equipment -

    Level 9
    HP - 75
    Wages - 1024 gold/day
    Equipment - Experimental Rifle (Ranged 4); 20 damage

    Level 1
    HP - 100
    Wages - N/A (Has share of treasure vault)
    Equipment - Enchanted Cannon (Artillery); 40 damage, guaranteed to hit target, user may not block/dodge next 2 attacks and recieves double damage from them

    Current Citizens:

    King - Starwars6374 (Level 10)
    Queen - Placenamehere (Level 8)(Joined: Feb. 14)
    Politician -
    Politician -
    Politician -
    Engineer - Regran57
    Engineer -
    Engineer -
    Trader -
    Trader -
    Trader -
    Basic Citizen - Pinkpepsi (Level 1)(Joined: Feb. 14)
    Basic Citizen - Smighter89 (Level 1)(Joined: Feb. 14)
    Basic Citizen - -GAME- (Level 1)(Joined: Feb. 14)
  12. Tek is sw everyone...
  13. ! I just spent a long time editing and I lost it all...
  14. I basically redid the whole bio and can't reaccess it...
  15. Ik. So those this thread check out? Everything good?
  16. Yea its good bro, im readin it ovr now
  17. Ohhh this is it.
  18. King Star is announcing his displeasure with his allies. M'Rania shall be making a Military demonstration to our allies should they not give us reason not to.