Kingdoms at War Slang KaW- Means Kingdoms at War LB- Leaderboard WC- World Chat CC- Clan Chat AC- Ally Chat Pal- Palringo Volley- Hiring 1 person back and forth LC- Land Complete (Buying all lands) DTW- Defender Too Weak PM- Private Message Bump- Bring Up My Post (Forums) Devs- The developers of Kingdoms at War ToU- Terms of Use Bypassing- Modifying a word to get past the filter Stats- Your BTA (located on profile) Nobs- Nobility Points Regen- Regeneration period, where you get more troops/spies Full- To have all of your soldiers/spies Lurking- Being in a chat but not talking Build and War Slang T1- Tier 1, T2- Tier 2 T3- Tier 3 T4- Tier 4 T5- Tier 5 T6- Tier 6 Lv- Level (of building) Attk- Attack Def- Defense Scout Bomb- To scout someone a lot Assa- To Assassinate someone Keep- Owning an ally BL- Battle List Plunder- The gold you earn from an attack Ally Plunder- The gold your allies give you Tax- The amount of gold taken away in war BTA- Bonus To Allies BFA- Bonus From Allies Pin- To keep a defender is "Too Weak" Sit- To keep hitting one opponent Strip- Hire allies and farm a player HLC- Bought all of the lands in The Highlands HLBC- Bought all of the lands in The Highlands with Lvl3 T5 Buildings HFC- Bought all of the lands in The Hoarfrost Lands HFLC- Bought all of the lands in the Hoarfrost Lands with Lvl3 T6 buildings Farming- To hit 1 person over 5x daily Pots- Items from The Marketplace Xtal- Referring to when you use a health crystal Epic Battle Slang EB- Epic Battle. TFO- The Forgotten Ones; EB BR- Battle Royale; EB NML- No Mans Land; EB Haunt- The Haunting; EB NQ- No Quarter; EB CotD- City of the Dead; EB FoD- Figure of Death; EB ToC- Talons of Carnage; EB NG- New Growth; EB SS- Scionic Storm; EB SR- Sporavek's Revenage; EB TBO- The Barren Orchard; EB TT- Terrain Travails; EB CtT- Crossing the Threshold; EB CoR- Cave of Riches; EB TGL- The Gilded Lord ; EB StP - Storm the Palace; EB VD - Viper's Den; EB DS - Desert Stine; EB ACC - A Cold Calling; EB FC - Frozen City; EB WW - Wasteland Wilds; EB GS - Glacial Squall; EB HTE - Haunting: The Escape; EB Hope this helps someone, at least I can say I tried right? :lol: Ok cya later!