so i'm building on the new lands, and i start thinking. i get to thinking that an active f2p can make around 50bil a day. so a tril in 20days of nonstop grinding. 24tril for new lands. 480days of grinding ebs and NOT fighting anyone, JUST for the lands. another 40days for the level 1 buildings. (guessing 90days for lvl2, and 210for lvl3) that is ****** up beyond all logic and reason. that is not the amount of time it goes from new player to build complete. that is JUST the new lands. someone less active could take 2-4 times as long to gather that much in funds. add the hoarfrost to that. and the highlands. what in the hell are the devs thinking? i really don't understand how they can be this bad at innovating RATIONAL ways to expand their game. devs, you need to lower the ceiling on how much advantage spenders gain. you need to stop running 300% promos and decrease the amount of gold large accounts can buy with nobs. you need to lower the amount of xtals people can use in a day. you need to get the economy of your game under control, or the economy of ata is going to shrink to zero. players, if you care about this game, you need to care about this. all the time, effort, and money you have spent on this game will be wiped away when kaw goes the way of ata's other games. pvp advocates, ask yourselves why so many people don't fight. for many it is because when they do fight, they get their asses handed to them by massive accounts. so they keep their mouths shut and focus on this ENDLESS grind to grow; in the misguided belief that one day they will be "strong enough" to fight. tl;dr? i left a lot out to keep it "relatively" short. much of my reasoning has been stated before; ad nauseam, elsewhere on the forums. if you don't get the reasoning behind anything i said, just ask and i will elaborate.
Um no support, there is a reason ebs drop seals. And a reason b2b hte clans exist. One seal and promo xtals along with promo chests can bring in 150 bill easily. Add in horns and other stuff and it starts to ads up.
That's one of the funny things though - everything is so expensive that HTE and the plunder buffs need to exist. These pump huge amounts of gold into the system requiring new lands/buildings to deflate the economy. And with new, expensive lands come higher plunder buffs and new high paying EBs. It's a vicious, never ending cycle that exists in perpetuity.
so a free player can shave a few days off that time estimate. seals and chests don't drop free every day. that doesn't really change anything.
i want to point something out before this gets to page 2. within about four months of starting this game, i was hlbc. (didn't spend much beyond propacks) i could hit anyone but the top lb. it was great. damn near the perfect balance of work/reward. if kaw was then as it is now; there is no way in hell i would have stuck around as long as i have.
Word, im not sure why this is suddenly an issue. For a few years its always taken f2p players over a year to bc if no fighting. Hell, there was a tonnnn that werent hlbc when t6 came out. Same thing now, bigger numbers is all. People said hfbc would take forever but many are hfbc now (not i sadly)
yeah. 6months to a year for a player that isn't highly active. we are talking about 2-3years now for ACTIVE players, and longer for casual ones.
Ive recently got back into this game after 2 and a half years. Ive been addicted to it since(love the progression) but as of recent, that feeling had died down. Knowing i probably wont be build complete for a long time, ive progressively became less active.
Support. I consider myself, by my own definition an "Average player" meaning that I am active, but not as active as others and I do occasionally spend but not as much as most. If it was not for HTE( which is $6 a pop) I doubt I would be the size I am now and I am not even big.
I don't understand, why free to play players expect the same game experience as those who are premium players? It's like in real life, you get what you paid for
Respect word. They do not have a rationale. They are milking the game while it lasts. They have IMO basically given up on what is good for the game and are focusing on bleeding cash from it as it circles the drain. Very sad.
do i look like a free player to you? i've spent something near a thousand dollars on this 'free to play' game over the years. but i wasn't hoarfrost complete when they released the new lands. (long periods of fighting and inactivity had something to with that, but still...) if THAT doesn't say it all, i don't know what will.
My statement did not imply to you - it's about the general rule in every freemium game that ftp players will face much bigger obstacles and much more time on their Road to end game experience. No surprise here - therefore asking to level the fields is well, nonsense. For example, why would I pay if I would get the same for free?