Kingdoms at ComeOnAndFightYaPansies!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Wulf, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. So Devs have rolled out what is basically a massive open beta test with this recent batch of EE wars with the sole intent of making them more enjoyable by getting your feedback.

    So for those who haven't been paying attention, let me spell this out for you.

    Spells needed for EE War:
    1. -- Blood Lust (1 mith)
      -- Battle Fury (6 mith)
      -- Fog of War (1 mith)
      -- Veil of Darkness (6 mith)
      Total cost in mithril to war = 14 mith
    If you win you get... somewhere between 40-90 mith depending on many factors that would take a whole new thread to explain.

    If you lose you get to do the Vanished Paladin Epic Battle.
    This EB pays better gold than Haunting and rewards you with 12 - 15 mith (no matter how many actions you do). Its totally random, there is no way to control mith payout from this EB.

    So did you miss it? Was I not clear enough?
    14 mith cost
    - Win = get 40-90 mith
    - Lose = get 12-15 mith

    "But Potion Cost Gold!" you say?
    People have on the average 110 actions in an EE War (in a good 2 hour one that is)
    Lets say 75 are spy and 35 are attack
    max pots each action roughly 2.5b gold.
    and lets say another 500m in def/spy def pots (and that is actually way overkill)
    so total cost = 3b.

    Now, if you lose, take a look at clans who have done the Vanished Paladin EB and the plunder they earned.
    Add to that the plunder you made during the war. Those 75 attacks should have earned you a at least a couple billion.

    So loses aren't risking anything but time.
    And winning... Well you just got ~40-80b worth of mithril for under 2b spent in pots so stop whining :roll:

    Look, You are missing out on a golden opportunity here.
    A practically NO RISK exposure to the new system war system WHILE it is being developed and no one really is sure how the system works yet.
    Veteran clans are scrambling to adapt. New strategies are being developed.
    Every clan has at least one gear head dying to try his hand at strategy/command.
    Now is the time to give him a chance. Worst case it costs you an hour or two. Opens your clan up to something new and exciting. And maybe earns you the coin to but some spiff bling.
    Remember to send feedback about your experience:
    Dont just say "Loved it/Hated it" give them context.
    Were you outnumber? Did you have numbers? Were they a spy clan? Did they have no spies? How was your clan's diversity? Was it 1 hour or 2? And tell about your thoughts, likes, dislikes, ideas, etc.

    Hey, It sure beats the hell out of hitting make believe monsters all day. :cool:

    So this is me, calling out all you WC spammin, "Best Clans in KAW" add makin, clan info smack talkin clans of KAW.
    Nut up, get out there, and try it. Earn your place amongst the System War clans of KAW.

    1. Warriors are not born
      Warriors are not made
      Warriors create themselves
      Through trial and error
      Through pain and suffering
      And by their ability to conquer their own faults
  2. Lmao Wulf.

    Advertising EE Wars?

    Anyways, I need the mitg regardless of whether I get it from the EB or actually winning. So, I'll be participating regardless of this lovely crafted piece of work.
  3.  like it
  4. Support
  5. Let's not forget the Xtal use.. THAT is a total money maker.. Pretty much luring the bulk of kaw to deplete the 'free' Xtals and leaving no choice but to buy..

    In economics, it's a form of FLV that they are doing (Please wall Phil, who is from what I hear, among other things, an economist.. To explain)
  6. Nice but still too much for my one track brain, and that's make idiots whine
  7. Everything is great

    Except I did not see anything about 5 dollars for 5 xtals :| it's about all u miss out on when you lose
  8. Where have you been?
  9. It's $5 for 6 xtals and thats enough for 6 wars if you do the 1 hour wars. (which were developed to assist with the "cost" of Warring and make them more accessible).

    Also, the xtals clans spend do unlock EB & for people who hunt EB items dwarfs the sales for EE wars.

    Not that the devs don't make money on EE wars.
    But hey its a business. They gotta pay for those Ferraris with the license plates: LUV-XTAL1
  10. The only reason I'm not doing estocs (or rancors, whatever it is,) is the fact that there is no way to redeem crystals. I don't care about mith, I have a decent amount and with one win you can easily make up for 5 or 6 losses, going 15 or 30 mith above even. However, you can't make xtals back and since quest resets are disabled (if I'm completely wrong, sorry,) you have about 25 wars with crystals if YOU DO NOT want to spend $5(as most clans require 2 xtals a war, 1 xtal for an hour war) or whatever price ata is charging for 6 crystals. In my opinion, ata should implement something the the estoc gem or a health crystal u can buy with mitherl for THAT SPECIFIC WAR. That way, much more people would join. However, since I don't expect ata to implement this due to loss of capital, I do not find these wars to be worth the constant loss of xtals and time. Eb equip is nearly as good as some of the rp equip, and I can deal with that. Though it is only 1 xtal per war, it is nearly impossible to get into a winning clan without sacrificing build (not the worst that could happen) or join a losing clan (one who is new to wars, etc,) and burn your 50 or so xtals in 4 weeks or so, without a guaranteed win, maybe a 60% win percentage for 50 wars, 80 mith (my average) for war, you would still make 4600 mith, enough to enchant 2 major pieces of equip and one smaller one. However, if you bought 50 crystals that would be 35 dollars, and spending that much money for slightly better equip is irrational. End wall of text.
  11. These new wars suck but the old ones I love and would/ will (if happens) spend money on them.
  12. Great post Wulf. Appreciate the time you put into it.
  13. The only reason why I ain't doing EE is coz no one wants me!!!
  14. Well said wulf, but most of these players wont ee or osw, their virtual gold means too much to them.
  15. Maybe when they decide what they are gonna do. Why should people use xtals on EE for testing. If they can balance the system out maybe more people will do it. Until then they can keep their mith and equipment. Is this censored? Like my last post? Seems pretty uncertain to me.
  16. See now thats good feedback. But the Devs spent a ton of money in testing, programming, and monitoring. So you cant blame em for making a lil scratch off their hard work.

    But I understand your what you are saying.
    So, hypothetically, if there was a "EE Gem" that regened troops ONLY during EE that was purchased with mithril how would you do it?
    What is the cost? 25 mith each?, 50?
    Do you limit to a max purchase per day? Week?
    Do you limit to a max you can own at a time?
    What about the starters who have no mith and cant afford these gems?
    What about making it something you can buy with Inferno/Aqua also?
    2 inferno + 1 aqua = 1 EE Only Regen Xtal?
    with similar limitations to the above?

    Anyone else wanna comment / pitch ideas?
    Send feedback if you support.
  17. Error Battle Fury =1 mith, Bloodlust =6 mith
  18. Support. Would be good to see all of KaW out there participating.

    Also support EE Gems in exchange for inferno and/or aqua to assist players that don't like to keep the Oracle in nice shoes.

    Fact is, EB equipment isn't nearly as good as the Red Pal, and the Red Pal isn't near as good as the newly released Rancor equipment. So if you want to be left behind and posting multiple forum KaW hate ads because people keep slapping your kingdoms around, then....keep sitting back and watching the same pool of clans surpass you... Or you can take advantage of this opportunity to develop teamwork, clan esprit de corps, and get the equipment you need to wreck people's KaW dreams! 
