Kingdoms at cheating the system?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Lormaster, May 26, 2013.

  1. As we countdown to the end of EE War Season 1, I wanted to comment on the issue of cheating and gaming the war system.

    First, it's no secret that many players suspect that some successful EE clans are cheating. KaW states in its daily/weekly updates that they plan on examining the data and taking corrective action. I'm dubious about this claim. After all, if the devs were able to figure out who was cheating by examining the data then why haven't the devs done so already? The corrective action shouldn't wait until after clans lose to cheaters. Thus, I don't doubt the sincerity of devs, but I doubt that their ability to unearth it by examining "data." And, if they do unearth cheaters, are they going to simply punish them or award the victims compensation? Time will tell, but I'm betting no one loses or gains anything from the investigation as the devs change the subject by announcing season 2.

    Second, there is obvious gaming of the system that exists relating to stats from equipment bonuses. Most complaints are about plunder from low stat guild hansels, but my issue is with the hansels with lots of nifty equipment that may provide more stats than their buildings in some cases. Yet, The matchup system doesn't weigh disparities due to equipment. This issue is going to get worse with the wonderful new pieces of equipment being handed out from this past season. I would love to see a comparison on winning and losing rates based on total stats (buildings plus Equipment/Perm Items plus Stat Bonus from Allies). As this information is solely in the devs hands, I'm not holding my breath on seeing such info any time soon.

    My two cents. 
  2. Cheating states that actual rules have been broken...the guild Hansel "exploit" has been discussed since week 2 I believe. That has left clans 5 or 6 weeks to adapt..I watched one clan completely change their war roster from hlbc BFA heavy to modest war builds guild Hansel heavy to be able to compete.. that's war in its purest form..they lost one way and figured out how to win another way. Wasn't cheating as the rules were not broken
  3. If someone bypasses and breaks the Rules of Conduct, they are breaking the rules. If breaking the rules is considered cheating, and "cheaters will be banned", all players who bypass will be banned.
  4. That's why I didn't call using guild hansel cheating. I couldn't even care less about the use of guild hansels and agree that clans should adapt.

    My concern, as I stated clearly, is that equipment is not taken into account so you have players with small building stats and huge equipment stats that are not taken into account in making a matchup. The idea that all stats are not taken into account is facially absurd.
  5. I k oq facially absurd is ridickulous
  6. Ah, and a player from Empire Rising joins the discussion with opposition. Not exactly sure what argument was being articulated, but I'm sure someone else may be able to translate.
  7. My only problem is certain clans changing there bfa drastically after match up. Some times were they jump 10 to 12 spots. Ones that are told bfa is to high so there fix is to have other members buy there allies then after match up rebuy them to get an advantage. That is not war that is cheating, bfe is earned so that dont bother me
  8. I agree lor
  9. cheating data? what is it?
  10. Nothing like exploits to make things interesting. Always puts a little spin on how things turns out
  11. If ur talking about people dropping there allies and getting new ones grow a pair it will have cost them billions of gold
  12. Yall need to play and quit crying so much. Have fun in it. Its a game. Go outside qnd get a life sometimes
  13. @ mad / players don't drop allies. They have an alt buy them so the $ is with the account engaged in the war. After match up, the main account buys the allies back from the alt. Now, the BFA is with the main account and the cash is with the alt. Just do that before each war and you have an advantage. The size of the advantage depends on how much in BFA you're getting from the post-match up buys.
  14. So basically op your yet another person crying about the bfe people get........ erm last time I checked we worked our asses of to get it oh and something else have you ever heard the saying all is fair in love and war.Prime example that in war strategy is what wins and not equipment..... not having a dig America but the Vietnam war. The American soldiers where in war with a massive advantage in equipment but did they
    obliterate the Viet Cong no why cause they had excellent strategy. Strategy and participation wins wars not just equipment.
  15. Omet, either your an idiot or u didn't read my comments. Given your BFE, I don't think anyone is going to cry, nor would I given that I have pretty high BFE.

    I'll type this slowly, please read it slowly too: BFE should be taken into account when making matchups. That's it.
  16. If BFE was taken into account in matchups, we would see a ridiculously high amount of no-matches.

  17. Actually, I took a closer look Omet because I couldn't figure out why you were so upset with the point I was making.

    And we have out example in this particular player: He/She is basically a guild hansel with equipment bonuses far above the stats provided by his/her buildings. Thus, the clan using such a player has an built in advantage solely because devs don't take into account BFE. Now, Omet go run along.
  18. Worm, frankly, you're the only one that has state what could be a reasonable explanation. But, if that's the case then the devs can say so and provide a little empirical proof.

    In the absence of something real to hang our hats on, I just don't see why it would be difficult matching clans closest in total stats against each other with the sole additional variable being clan numbers. It doesn't matter where the stat comes from when measuring if someone is going to win or lose an offensive action.