i would like to know what the highest attack building is, the name, and what the best kingdom layout is for attack thankyou
Why do you want high attack? It benifits nothing Balanced build gives 2 extra hits per unload Defensive attack builds give. 5% more plunder
Look for wulfs building and land guide in the strategy section. Layout does not matter, except I try making my buildings in cool formations.
If you want to go attack build stick a few guilds then reset att buildings Att = the best att and will mean you get more success than the other two types Def = the best def to watch the fails flow and you get 5% more plunder than the other two types Balanced = even so you can work on the weak ness of each type and you get a extra two 2hits than the other two
High attack has one benefit. You can hide your static adts. At high amount of attack buildings you can hide 2m adt and people with think your a balanced build.
Jadder, good you want info, but keep it to one thread befor you are silenced for spamming. One thread can answer many questions when people feel like helping .