Presently I have noticed that a lot of people are being jerks to others. For example the person that posted the New Age forum topic received a message on his wall saying his very interesting post was stupid. Plus many people are getting away with insulting others without being silenced by devs. I personally think KaW has went from an almost completely civilized game to being so competative for attention that players are basically insulting both people and clans just so that they can talk. Yet if you ask them what they did wrong they'll go crazy on you saying they'll either farm you or go "Oh mah gosh like wat did I even do?". KaW needs to go back to the days when people actually attempted to be nice to each other.
New Age post was really stupid... He plays ATA's game, makes threats to ATA, and tells people to bash ATA. Think about it
There will always be people criticizing and complaining. But to me, as long as you are kind to others, they'll be kind to you as well
Well you are just a rude litttle kid who can place your lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly before I acquaint your facial features with a fundamental material used to build walls.
Ok^ See the thing people don't get, is you have No idea who the person is, and most of the time it's 9 year old kids who snuck onto their moms laptop. Nothing offends me on the internet :lol:
I mean I get in some ways what OP is trying to say I mean some things are starting to become a little ridiculous I mean come on people some things you guys are taking waaay to seriously it's just a game.. But, also I believe in fun healthy smack talk lol it makes things interesting.
Ok yep it's called kingdoms at war . It's a "war" game the game part seems to get forgotten at times . Yes smack talk happens but maybe what op is saying is that it's nice if instead of trolling and acting like "bad arses" it would be nice if sometimes more people tried to actually help newer players and maybe remembered that there are some basic manners .