Kill SH and you kill the game.

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Disputable, Aug 27, 2014.

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  1. To everyone bitching about the SH, shut up. Seriously. Get off our case. You keep whining about how SH are killing the game. They're not. They're giving variation to the game; multiple possibilities.
    You think that having the only viable warring builds as a PS and a Tank is variation? **** no. In the past, people wanted to nerf Hansel's plunder. So what your saying us that everyone should be an attack build? Well whoop-de-*******-do, that's what I call some serious variation.

    The thing is, to keep a game alive, you have to have different paths, different objectives. Why do MMO Games have so many different classes? Because people want variation. People want to do something different. (The for some reason the support classes are always incredibly gay and annoying to use. By gay I mean happy you liberals.)
    You complain about SH being an exploit? No. It's strategy. It's the ass-cheeks of a virgin of the game, incredibly tough and nothing leaks through. Go and whine while your pesky little mid build leaks like crazy. Our build is tough and resilient. We survive while you die. And this brings me to another point. Why does it matter so much? The bigger builds get everything. They can even OSW. SH can't, even if they want to. Why don't you finally let the smaller players win? Why is it that you are so hell-bent on not letting beginners play in the big league? And if someone large drops build to become SH, then that's their bad, because eventually the bigger builds will always win.

    With the SH build, a beginner can start playing, and wit the right amount of help, can start warring in just a few months. And before you try to say that that's not true, it is. I have a friend who started playing, and was warring within six months. Take away SH, and you take away any chance of glory for the beginners.

    Before you whine that this is coming from a statless alt, stop it. Just stop. Just because I'm a statless alt it doesn't mean that what I say isn't the truth. And I won't be so statless anymore.

    Just remember, though, I google searched your mother.
  2. That's what she said.
  3. I like variation. I also like some things the same. I like my legos the same color on a building. I like legos.
  4. SH?

    Sorry, I'm a noob
  5. She didn't say "reserved".

    Unless you just got **** blocked by the very same girl you were about to ****. As if she was "reserved for later".
    If she said that to you, I feel for you bro, I really do.
  6. Is the Only language u know ***?
  7. Er, who are you?
  8. Purple Ponies 
  9. How about everyone here actually responds to the thread? If you can't be on topic, please leave.

    And is the only language I know "****"? No.
    I'm just speaking what's on my mind, how I'm thinking it, at that moment.
    Nice, ponies.

    And my identity is of no significance. Truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it.
  10. Stopped reading when I realized you were a statless alt
  11. You could start with a drinking game on the amount of times op mentions 'SH' or 'variation'.

    Oh the irony.
  12. I find no need to discuss nerfing of SH if you're not a SH urself, TS.
  13. The mother line was smooth though.
  14. You guys clearly can't face the truth. And just my luck to post a thread when the dregs of the forum are on.
    I'm disappointed, immortalfaze. I didn't think you would be among them.
  15. Who knows criminal?
  16. Hulk-, please leave this thread, thank you.
    Anyone else who doesn't have something on topic to say, the Back button is at the top left of your screen.
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