kicking during a war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by sachina, Sep 15, 2014.

  1. If some one is leaking gold deliberately as done in week 2 war 33 or someone is inactive, we will like to kick such people as they leak lots of gold. The kicked people will get shatter spell after kicking. (Make the people who war most the admin in indi wars.) Even if some argue for inactives it can be argued, but things like deliberately leaking must be avoided.
    Give ur suggessions. Ty!
  2. I would kick you immediately if you were on my team. Look at that sdt, you leak.
  3. If u were to kick people like me then there is no point in holding indi wars troll, this makes no future to kaw as wars are the best thing in kaw.
  4. Get some towers then I wouldn't kick you
  5. No support. It would be abused completely.
  6. 

    I would kick everyone
  7. Troll has a point and op just doesn't want to change his build to avoid his idea backfiring on him anyway someone would exploit this and kick everyone to guarantee a win to the other team
  8. In its raw form, this would not work, as, you could take a small lead early in the war, then kick all the members, leaving a small roster that can't be plundered.

    However. If you made it so that a minimum number of players is needed to war, and if too many kicks happen, then the above exploit would be fixed
  9. I should be allowed to kick people from forums
  10. I think you are nor getting the point.
    This is about the INACTIVES and the people who delibarately leak gold(as in week2 war 33-ask dali if u dont believe- a person(ps-i will not take name) leaked 70b to opponents) how are you going to fix that? If not kick give some suggessions.
    Also about me i am working on my adt now hf price is high it takes time to work & i have 1.25m adt now so stop saying about kicking active players, this is about inactives.
  11. Troll! You would
    Kick me?