Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by -DG-Carrot, Nov 26, 2011.

  1. Kaw Broadcasting Station
  2. Reporters submit interveiws

    Stories, if they lack details, reporter investigate

    Producers, put interesting stories pitch for the next edition
  3. Due to Complaints on accuracy of rates, i will get new rates from today and so forth
  4. Currently, trying to obtain a interview with bellemorte
  5. Bellemorte unable to go to interveiw, will interveiw forumers instead
  6. Are you excited about being a moderator?
  7. Initially, I was very excited. I did a happy dance. Now, I'm just happy to be able to help make the KAW community a better place.
  8. Can we speed this up? Forums to lock.... People to silence...

    *starts tapping foot in irritation*
  9. Sorry, i was playing temple siege

    So how do you feel about public opinion
  10. thankyou somalia for running interview
  12. I'd love to be a reporter for the KBS! :D
  13. Great, first asignment, spy on bellemorte, submit your report when ur done
  14. Now we may work under the radar, join the palringo group KBS to join the news network
    Mods if ur reading plz /lock