KAWL(kingdoms at war league)new type of war competition

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DE_screamkill_DE, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. *new idea for type of competition for warring clans as of now (once i got new ideas and receive feedback i will update it asap)

    mechanics/rules of the competition.
    1. we have two brackets for small clans and big clans.
    *every bracket have limitation
    for example: the big clan bracket is only required with maximum of 300mcs and minimum 250mcs and etc(such as bfe and bfa).

    *at the beginning of the league every clan should choose what bracket they will join for the whole season until the end of the season.

    2. we have 20 wars in one week.
    * every clan should participate with maximum and minimum of 10 wars only.
    *how the standings will work?
    --win and lose no match(we will sort it out once I received suggestion from people that will give ideas to improve this idea if they want it)
    -- for teams who will receive no match up because they dont have opponent coz of odd
    --but their will be no match up will happen because of lower hit ratio or your enemy is bigger because we have a bracket. you might face 250mcs size even if your clan size is 300mcssize
    *note: try to maintain atleast close to maximum requirement

    3. once your clan will join the competition your members cant leave until the end of the season.

    4. all wars will be 1hr or 2hr and xtal is allowed with sized of 15 or anything depends on devs on community.

    5.after the elimination round . we will have playoff then final 4 and championship.

    6. reward:
    *clan trophy(it means your clan will recieve a big bonus plus big gold prize for your CLANBANK)
    *mithrils and equipments plus xtals(we will sort it out how many will be given)

    about clanbank devs mentioned it that they will add clanbank

    -any ideas and addition will be accepted if possible and will be credited to every person.

    possible Question(s).
    1. what if your clan didnt maintain the size,range and they sign up for war?
    ans: your clan will automatically gained 1 lose and your opponent will gain 1 win automatically.
  2. Y not 2 hr wars. 1 hr wars suck
  3. not yet done. it will be change depends on feedbacks