Discussion in 'Wars' started by -TL-, Jan 28, 2014.

  1. Kaw World War II(KWWII)

    We all know of the continent wars which were a failure that is why I am creating Kaw World War II.

    KWWII will be roughly based off WWII. There will be 2 clans ALLiES and AXiS same as the original. Who's on each team will be based on where you live. In WWII the Allies consisted of the US, UK, France, Soviet Union, China and a few others but for KWWII we are going to make Allies US, UK, and Soviet Union. In WWII Axis consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan KWWII Axis will be the same Germany Italy and Japan. The rest of the kawmunity can choose their side just please keep it equal and Antarctica was not in the war please no petitions(I'm going to regret mentioning that).

    We are planning on starting with 2 clans newly created (accepting donation) I will own one JUGGERNAUT298 will own other. It is important that neither clan has ever ran an EB. This is because first part of KWWII will be an EB race also we will have 2 team leaders who me and jug will hand leadership off to at start we will own to prevent clans from doing ebs while people are joining stopping them from having an advantage. first clan to complete all EBS in order within 3days wins if neither clan finishes who ever got the farthest wins if they are on same EB after 3days whoever got to that EB first wins. After the EB race we will do a system war if a clan wins both the EB race and War they win but if one clan wins eb race other clan wins war we do another war winning clan is our winner.

    I'm running the wars with my friend JUGGERNAUT298 he is going to contact the devs to see if we can get an achievement and reward for the winners. I will edit this forum when I find out more from him and the devs.

    If you have 25b or 100nob and are willing to make a clan for the wars please follow and PM me. I will give you credit on clan page and no matter what you r stats are will have entry into the war clan of your choice. To those interested in leading a clan please PM me I will pick the 2 who have most experience in wars and leading them. For more information on wars please ask here on the forum also please spread the word post about war on WC. To keep the thread as an active topic we Request that people talk on here about war a little trash talking to the other side is allowed.

    We would also like to find people willing to donate another 2 clans which don't need to be new so we can get our teams together before war we can do ebs there then right before war we will move actives to the clans being used for the KWWII whoever donates the clans will be allowed to participate no questions asked and get the clan back after war contact me for details.

    I do not know the dates of the war yet but soon we will decide on one that works for us. Probably on weekends for 2-3 weeks I'm guessing epic battle race Friday thru Sunday then the next week a 2 day war Saturday and Sunday and if it was a tie one team won EB race other team wins the war we will have another 2day war the next week. This could change I think 2day wars works best because teams will have players from Europe North America and Asia who should all hit also it allows for strategies involving tracking that I think makes war more enjoyable.

    *****THE RULES FOR THE WAR*****
    • no stripping- tracking is ok the other side should be banking anyways or they deserve to lose but taking allies so they lose their gold they've save is not fair.

    •No spying- I was in Team North Americas clan for continent war until we dropped out. We did have spies I was aware of this after we dropped out not before.

    • no OSW- please don't farm other clan sorry lol we all want to but it interferes with sportsman ship and the wars.

    •be good sport- be kind and nice to the other clan... Who am I kidding trash talk as much as you like:). But still in your own clan be a good sport no fighting you can brag but be nice to your teammates.

    •respect clan rules- now I am leaving no farming policy up to clan leaders between the EB race and war 1 do what you like just respect the rules set by clan leaders.

    • respect these rules- this applies to clan leaders your rules cannot go against these rules and all rules apply to you and everybody else(note rule above May not entirely apply to you if you change rules before hand.

    •spamming- not my rules just a heads up don't do it...trust me when you can't talk in wc post
    Here or change your comment on your profile during war you won't be happy.

    •chat can be 18 - this is a game but not all players are kids so before you go in cc don't complain about languege or topics(but if clan rules say no 18 no 18 ).

    • have fun- do I really need to explain?

    War planners are BHU-Captain_TL-BHU and JUGGERNAUT298
  2. Booo no support
  3. I can just see the banter for the war getting out of hand, which will always be a negative.
  4. Sounds like a great way for you to get two clans with free unlocks.

     Good try.
  5. If this works it would be fun, but I think the trolls are going to have a field day
  6. If you read the whole thing the owners would be selected by clan
  7. So any non troll opinions on this
  8. Yes I think it a good idea I just think if devs offer 2xtals to the winners then it's a fun competitive easy way to make xtals
  9. So, clanleaders are still searched? I'd volunteer as the führer, since i am german :D
  10. We're currently waiting on devs for answer to give rewards like in continent wars.
  11. @GR
    The clan leaders are chosen by clan not us
  12. The us uk team would severely outnumber the other side though
  13. Still, i demand the position of the führer :O!
  14. @Relic
    We're working on that and it'll be decided
  15. You should have a system war first because if you have ever done one you know that something bad can happen
  16. @GR
    Ok then füher but it's a democracy
  17. Support
  18. @ tiger man
    True remember this is not fully polished we will be making changes and that is a possibility.
  19. Any other ideas