KaW will possibly be available on XBLA and PSN?

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TyranTTiTan5, Mar 14, 2013.

  1. I would really like it if this game were also on the 360 or PS3. It's too fun. ATA did a solid job on this. It would be really cool to see it on a video game console, downloadable, disc, ETC.
  2. And GaW too. God job, Devs!
  3. This is in FF.
    This should be in OTG.
    Also, how would you type?
  4. What? How would KaW be a fun console game?
  5. What would make KAW a fun console game? It just doesn't seem like it would work well.
  6. I could picture kaw on xbox live.

    All the little teeniboppers' voices coming though the headset screaming at you:


  7. Very VERY misleading title.

    I dont see this ever being a console title,

    maybe as an xbl arcade game.

    but no.
  8. I kinda want to see this as an Xbox game just to have all the little 8-year olds crying in my headset about me taking their gold and not letting them get mithril.
  9. You're a fag. You're a fag. You're a fag. What's with all your noobtoobs???? Ima go play some CoD and destroy with my XL518-92, and lol a them.
    Shut up kid.
  10. I'm not really fond if the idea of having kids screaming at me.Be chill don't steal from me.Or something like that.