KaW War©

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llR_-I-_Pll_Delta_llR_-I-_Pll, Aug 21, 2012.

  1. Oh hey there, didn't realise you were gonna read this...

    But anyways,

    This is an idea that just popped into my head and so will need refining and editing, this will be done by me reading it over and by your feedback.

    As you know a lot of people are hungry for war but not every clan wants small people who don't know how to war.

    The Idea

    I think that there should be a big war involving EVERYONE in KaW, you don't have to be in a clan.

    I don't know whether there should be groups depending on size or just one big group, but here goes;

    There would be a button somewhere which you could click to enter the war,

    Once you are in it if you leave you cannot rejoin,

    It would simply be a case of last man standing, you farm other people until they leave (if you are active in the war you can only hit other active people)and then if you are the last person you win a special prize.

    As I said a bit earlier, would there have to be specific size groups or just one big group? Need feedback on that.

    I think this would be good as it would encourage people to war (especially
    If there were size groups do they could win their category).

    What do you think?

    I will read this over and edit if I have anymore ideas.

    Thanks :)

  2. Reserved by me xD

    Sounds coolish.
  3. Well all suggestions just send them to: support@athinkingape.com and they can read you're ideas but i doute it they will use it? But good luck

    (sorry for spelling errors)
  4. So an Epic War? Hmm....I like the idea but it's a bit impractical...
  5. This has kinda been done before...
    But at least it was set out nicely.

    I just don't think it would work, you can't get it all to happen... Even though it seems easy enough, there's some serious planning sides behind it...
  6. First of all there's the planning, then there's organisation, and other factors that cannot be overlooked if this war is to be 'successful'. You sir, have an interesting idea. However, I don't believe that it will come into light any time soon.
  7. *cough*battle list*cough*
  8. @Lupus. What he is suggesting is different from the battle list
  9. Pheonix - Way to back up your statment!  I'm so proud
  10. I would say groups of 50 similar sized people. Last 5-10 remaining get equipment and the last remaining gets that prize and another one.

    Some builds (ie pure spies) would definitely have the advantage though, as they have nothing to lose and can strip.
  11. This sounds really fun. I support the idea very much if it's within the group thing
  12. The idea could be abused though...Maybe they won't leave at all no matter how much they are farmed or stripped...
  13. This would go on forever, perhaps a time limit, say.. a month?
  14. Lol, Blackwhitestripes, I doubt anyone could stay away from their EB's for a whole month :p
  15. This couldn't really work. A bunch of experienced war harden players would never give up ( or at least not for a long while ) and it would just drag on for ages.
  16. I don't think it would last long green peace would shut it down Because of the turtling
  17. Cool idea I'd defo be up for this..one massive free for all osw...what could possibly be better then that
  18. Battle of the fittest .

    Stat range. Only 300K cs ?

    I.e 300k-500K war, 500-700K war, on n on.
  19. Yeah it would be in say 200k groups e.g.

    And then it would be in say 400k stat difference?